she has the flu

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You woke up to a light shining in your face making you groan and roll over onto your stomach, trying to bury your face in the pillow and shield your eyes from the light.

You could hear a sound coming from the bathroom that instantly made you shoot up in bed, your heart racing at the horrid but unfortunately familiar sound. You looked over to find that Taylor wasn't in bed with you and you knew right then what was happening.

You jumped out of bed and rushed to the bathroom to find Taylor throwing up, her hands in her hair and her eyes shut.

You walked over to her and grabbed her hair in one of your hands, the other rubbing up and down her back. Her pajamas were soaked from sweating so much and her skin was damp.

You tried to soothe her by whispering in her ear, hoping it would help keep her calm. "It's okay Tay, I'm here. Just let it all out baby."

She continued to get sick for a few more minutes before she stopped and rested her head on the toilet seat.

You kissed her shoulder and stood up to get her some water before crouching down behind her again. "Here baby, drink this."

She looked at you with tired eyes, fearing that if she drank the water she'd get sick again but she also knew she needed to stay hydrated. She drank the cold water slowly as you held the glass for her.

Once she finished the water you helped her stand up, her legs were trembling and shaky underneath her and she was sure that if you weren't there holding her she would've fallen.

You helped her back to bed, tucking her in underneath the blankets as she shivered. You pressed the back of your hand against her forehead, stroking her damp hair while she looked at you with weary eyes.

"think you've got the flu baby." she nodded her head and whined, kicking the blankets off her legs.

"No Tay, you have to keep these over you. We need to keep you warm, you're shivering."

You tucked her in again and this time she grabbed your hands in hers. They were shaky and sweaty but you didn't care, if this was bringing her comfort then you'd risk getting sick too.

"This is just what I needed." You sighed sadly, running your fingers through her hair. She had a very busy schedule and you knew she hated rescheduling on people, but she was sick and there was no way she'd be getting out of bed for a while.

"I know babe. Why don't you try to get some rest?"

You kissed her forehead softly before turning around to head downstairs to give her some space, but you felt Taylor's hand latch on to your wrist making you turn around to face her.

"Please stay with me. I need cuddles."

You smiled at her, crawling back into bed next to her. She rolled over onto her side and rested her head on your shoulder, snuggling close to you as you wrapped your arms around her to keep her close and warm.

"I love you, y/n. Thank you for taking care of me." You kissed her forehead and rubbed her back, her eyes closing as she drifted off to sleep.

"I love you more. I'll always be here baby, always."

You weren't sure what time it was or how much sleep you'd gotten, all you cared about was Taylor and making her feel better.

You kept her close to you while she slept, just simply rubbing her back and kissing her skin softly, leaving little reminders that you were there if she needed you.

You just wanted her to feel better and you'd do whatever it took for that to happen.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now