Fights and sicknesses lead to cuddles (requested)

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You and Taylor never really have major fights or disagreements, only small arguments here and there which you always resolve.

That was until today when you said something about her not really being around much lately which turned in to a huge argument where you both raised your voices, an action that caused your head to pound.

"What don't you understand y/n? This is my job. I can't control it!"

She continued to argue with you but didn't want to argue back so you simply grabbed your keys and phone, getting in your car, and leaving for some fresh air.

You weren't sure how long you drove for but your headache was only getting worse and you were starting to feel nauseous and tired so when a hotel came into your view, you pulled in and grabbed your stuff before booking a room for the night.

You figured Taylor needed her space and you wanted to give her a chance to cool off so you decided not to call her. You collapsed onto the bed feeling totally exhausted, so much so that you completely passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow.

You woke up a few hours later in a cold sweat, your heart and mind both racing as you thought back to the nightmare.

The one where Taylor told you that she was done and didn't wanna do this anymore. Tears fell from your eyes when you thought back to the fight you two had, your heart racing and your hands shaking at the thought of that being the last straw in your relationship.

You felt sicker too, your stomach felt queasy and you knew it was a matter of time until you got sick. You started gasping for air as an anxiety attack took over making you reach for your phone, only one person would be able to help you through this.

You hoped she'd pick up, after all you just left without any explanation and you thought she'd be even more upset with you because of that. But you were proven wrong when she answered the phone on the first ring.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

It took you a few seconds to speak, your lungs felt like they were on fire and you couldn't take a breath in.


Your voice was quiet and shaky but she heard you loud and clear.

"Baby? What's wrong? Are you okay? God, I've been worried sick about you-"

"Tay, I don't feel very well."

That sentence made Taylor freeze, the reality of the situation hit her.

That's the only reason you started a fight with her, the only reason you wanted her home.

You were sick and you had a habit of being a bit clingy when you're sick, but she never cared. She should've known better and she felt so guilty for fighting with you.

All the things she wanted to tell you about just up and leaving as you did completely left her mind, all she cared about was you at that moment. You were sick and you needed her and she was gonna get to you.

"Okay, darling, it's alright. Just tell me where you're at and I'll come get you."

You weren't exactly sure but when you opened up your maps and found your location and told Taylor, she raced to her car and left immediately.

"Okay, baby, you just stay there, okay? I'm on my way right now. I'll be there in about forty minutes, you just stay calm. I love you, I'll be there soon."

You repeated those three little words that always meant so much to hear from her before you hung up, laying down on the bed with your face in the pillows only to get up to run to the bathroom a couple of minutes later.

You heard Taylor throw the hotel room door open before she saw you in the bathroom and rushed over to you.

"Oh, honey." She cooed, her hands finding your shoulder blades which were tense.

She noticed how badly you were trembling and she felt helpless, wishing she could make it stop for you.

You finished a couple of minutes later before resting your back on Taylor's chest, completely drained of energy and collapsing in her arms.

"It's okay y/n, I'm here. C'mon let's get you home." You sniffled and she helped you up, grabbing your hand before grabbing your things and leading you to the car.

"We'll come back and get your car tomorrow. Are you doing okay? Feeling any better baby?"

Taylor helped you into the backseat of the car so you could lay down comfortably and she smoothed your hair back from your forehead, watching as your eyes closed and you took some deep breaths.

You fell asleep on the way home and Taylor didn't have the heart to wake you so she picked you up and let you hook your legs around her waist and rest your head on her shoulder as she carried you up the stairs and into bed.

"Tay?" You whispered, reaching for her hand and she was more than happy to lace her fingers with yours.

"Yes, beautiful?"


Taylor giggled but nodded, kissing your forehead a couple of times before carefully climbing over to her side of the bed, not wanting to disturb your still slightly queasy stomach.

"I'm sorry for fighting with you. I just didn't feel good. I just wanted you to take care of me and be here with me."

She smiled and pressed a few soft kisses to your shoulder before she pulled you close to her, lacing her fingers with yours again and smiling to herself when you snuggled up to her with your head on her chest.

"Don't you worry about that, baby. It's all in the past now. Next time just tell me you don't feel good and I'll take care of you no matter what, you know that, darling."

You nodded and smiled sleepily.

"You smell really good."

Taylor chuckled and rubbed her thumb over your knuckles.

"Go to sleep y/n. Get some rest. I'm here if you need anything."

You nodded your head lazily and closed your eyes, Taylor carefully reached down and grabbed the blankets from the foot of the bed and pulled them over you.

She kissed your temple before she tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, whispering against your skin about how much she loved you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now