"Look at me"

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You flipped through the tv channels absentmindedly, waiting for Taylor to join you downstairs for some quality relaxation time after a long week for the both of you.

You finally decided to watch the office, the only thing that seemed remotely interesting to watch at the moment.

Your patience was running thin. Taylor was already twenty minutes later than she promised she'd be and just as you were about to go upstairs to check on her she came running down excitedly.

"y/n! How would you like to go to a party tonight? Some of my close friends are going and they texted me, asking if we wanted to come."

You shook your head, not really wanting to do much of anything after such a long week.

"No I'm not really feeling up to it, but you can go if you want to."

You smiled at her, leaning over to kiss her cheek before settling back against the couch.

"You're kidding, right? y/n, they invited you too. They want you to be there!"

"And I appreciate the invitation but I'm not really feeling up to going out to some last minute party."

"I want you to come. Please?"

You shook your head, biting your tongue and trying to keep your cool, hoping this wouldn't turn into a fight.

"Why do you always do this?"

You scoffed at her, standing up and crossing your arms over your chest.

"Taylor I had a long week and so did you! I thought we were gonna stay in and spend some quality time together, but if you'd rather go to a party then just go! But don't start accusing me of things, I'm exhausted from work and I don't appreciate how you're treating me right now. You of all people should understand how exhausting being on your feet for hours straight can be."

"Well I'm going!"


You threw yourself back on the couch as the door slammed shut, tears welling up in your eyes and disappointment in your heart.

She promised she'd spend tonight with you, just the two of you with the cats as you cuddled together watching whatever you wanted.

You tried to stay awake until Taylor got home but when 1am rolled around you were struggling to keep your eyes open any longer.

You turned the tv off, unsure of what was even playing at that point because you couldn't even focus on it. All you could think about was Taylor and the argument you two had.

You hung your head low before walking upstairs to get ready for the night. Taylor's side of the bed was empty and cold making it hard for you to get comfortable.

You closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep, jumping when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist.

"y/n I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Please don't be mad at me baby."

She kissed your shoulder but you pulled away from her, scooting closer to the edge of the bed only to be pulled back into her arms.

"Talk to me y/n. Shoot, you can yell at me if you want to. I deserve it. I was wrong, so wrong on so many levels and I am so so sorry."

You sat up and turned to face her, tears streaming down your face. Taylor rubbed her thumbs over your cheeks to catch your tears as they fell, feeling guilty for bailing on you and even guiltier for treating you the way she did.

"Dammit Tay, I'm not mad at you. I'm just disappointed. I was so looking forward to spending time with you tonight and you just left. Like you'd rather go to a party than spend time with me, and I get it. You had a long week yourself and you wanted to let loose, I don't mind that. I was just so excited to spend time with you. You're my girl, the most important thing in the world to me and the thought of having a relaxing night in with you was what got me through the week. That's all I wanted."

She sighed sadly, her hands grabbing yours as you continued to stare down at your pajama pants.

"Baby look at me."

You hesitated but looked up to look into her eyes. Even in the darkness you could see they were sparkling, but for the wrong reason. They were glistening with tears, not happiness.

"I'm so sorry y/n, I really am. I wanted that too, but I got the text from my friends and I thought maybe that would be fun for us but we were- no, are, both exhausted. I'm sorry I bailed on you baby, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. I should've stayed and I wanted to but you know how stubborn I can be sometimes, I'm so so sorry. If you'll forgive me then tomorrow will be our day. We'll stay in bed all day under the blankets and order a pizza and watch movies all day long, just us. Does that sound okay?"

You smiled at her and nodded your head before throwing your arms around her neck and pulling her in for a hug, both of you laughing as you fell back onto the bed.

She kissed your temple before resting her forehead on yours, both of you smiling as you closed your eyes and sighed in contentment.

"I love you."

She repeated the words back to you before resting her head on your shoulder, both of you falling asleep in that awkward, yet somehow very comfortable position.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now