Sick day (requested)

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Taylor couldn't help but feel completely helpless as she laid in bed next to you.

You had come down with a pretty nasty cold last night and of course, when you woke up this morning you only felt worse.

Your nose was so stuffy and your throat was sore, not to mention the high fever you had.

Taylor's seen you sick before but she's never felt this helpless. Normally there's something she can do to help take your fever down or help your sore throat, but this was different; nothing was really making you feel any better and she felt awful about it.

She tried to talk you in to letting her take you to the doctors but you're so stubborn that you shot that idea down right away, wanting to do nothing but lay in bed with Taylor and try to sleep.

"Honey, I'm gonna go and see if I can maybe get you some medicine that'll make you feel better."

You grabbed her wrist and shook your head no, tears welling up in your eyes and falling down your cheeks.

You knew she just wanted to help you and make you feel better, but all you wanted was for her to hold you.

Taylor sat down next to you on the bed and stroked your hair, trying to coax you into let go so she could go to the store quickly and get you something that would help you feel better, but you were keen on her staying with you and you weren't going to let go of her anytime soon.

She laid back down on the bed and smiled to herself when you scooter closer to her, resting your head on her stomach as she ran her fingers through your hair.

You felt a tickle in your throat making you cough, your chest hurting when you did so. Taylor could tell you were congested and in pain and it broke her heart.

You whined and rolled around on the bed just trying to get comfortable. Once you finally got comfortable in Taylor's arms you closed your eyes, whining from how achy and sick you felt. You were hot and freezing at the same time, your body completely drenched in sweat.

"Shhh, it's okay baby. I've got you. Go to sleep."

You felt her fingers trace across your stomach, sleep starting to take over you since you finally felt comfortable.

Taylor pressed a soft kiss to your sweaty forehead and smiled as you began to drift off to sleep.

She was a woman of her word and would remain by your side as you slept peacefully as you deserved.

She hoped you'd feel at least a little better when you woke up.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now