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She couldn't help but pick at her fingernails nervously, her heart pounding in her chest as you sat in front of her looking more beautiful and radiant than ever.

When Taylor had asked you if you wanted to go on vacation in Paris you obviously said yes, it being one of the places you've always wanted to visit. You thought it would be a typical vacation, but it held so much more than you could have ever imagined.

Taylor had rented out a restaurant for the two of you, making sure it was as romantic as can be. She couldn't help but think to herself that she'd never ever be able to get the image of you in pure shock and utter happiness when you two first walked into the restaurant, completely mesmerized by how beautiful and romantic everything looked.

She was lost in her own thoughts, not even noticing how you were starting to notice that something was going on.

You watched as she messed with her nails, picking at the blue polish. You reached over to grab her hand making her look up at you. You were always the one that could pull her out of her own little world, no matter what was going on in it.

"Tay? You okay? You look nervous baby, what's going on?"

She sighed, looking out the window at the Eiffel Tower across from the two of you. She looked back at you before shaking her head and standing up, holding her hand out for you. You smiled at her before grabbing her hand and following her as she led you outside.

The Eiffel Tower was lit up in front of you and it looked so beautiful, it took your breath away. You heard Taylor clear her throat behind you making you turn around, ready to ask her what was going on only to be greeted with the sight of Taylor down on one knee.

Your breath hitched in your throat and you couldn't speak no matter how hard you tried to. A tear ran down your cheek as Taylor grabbed your hand in hers.

It was shaky and slightly sweaty but you didn't care, you didn't care about anything else in the world right now.

"Y/n. I love you so much and I've been thinking about doing this for weeks now but I didn't know how to, because I wanted it to be perfect, like you. I love you a lot and when I think about the future, I never really know what to expect. I don't know what will happen with my job and my family and friends, but I know you'll always be there. You're the only one I can see myself with in the future, the only one I've ever imagined growing old with and having a family with. I love you so much and I wanna love you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?"

You let out a shaky breath and nodded your head, too speechless to speak.

She slid the ring on your finger before picking you up in her arms and spinning you around, both of you laughing and crying tears of happiness. It was a moment you'd never forget.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now