Sick day

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When you went to bed the previous night you had felt perfectly fine, but when you woke up this morning you felt absolutely awful.

You heard the alarm going off and groaned when Taylor tapped you on your shoulder.

"Y/N turn the alarm off."

You whined and tried to move but groaned in pain when you realized just how badly your body was aching. Taylor sighed and reached over you to turn the alarm off.

She sat up and walked over to you, crouching down next to you and stroking your hair.

"You're sweating and you're burning up with a fever. You're staying in bed today."

You groaned and shook your head, sitting up and rubbing your temples in hopes to soothe the pounding ache in your skull.

"I ha-have work. Gotta get dressed."

"No y/n! You're sick. Lay down. You're taking a sick day."

She gently pushed your body back down on the mattress and covered your body up with the blankets.

"You stay here, I'm gonna go get you some water and grab the thermometer."

"Don't you have to go to the studio today?"

"I did but yore's sick now so I'm gonna take care of you instead."

"No Tay, you need to go."

"No album could be more important than you. Now get some rest. I'll be back in a few minutes."

She kissed your sweaty forehead before walking downstairs to grab you a couple of things.

When she came back she had a bottle of cold water, a bowl of soup, and a thermometer in her hands.

She set everything down on the nightstand next to you before making you open your mouth so she could take your temperature.

"100.9. Poor baby. Eat this and get some sleep. I'm gonna go get you some medicine to make you feel better."

You nodded your head and finished the soup before you drifted off to sleep, waking up a few hours later to find Taylor sitting next to you writing some music quietly with Meredith curled up on her lap, Olivia laying in between the both of you.

Taylor turned her head and saw you sitting up and take a few sips of water, a smile appearing on her face when she saw that you had a bit more color back in your face.

"Hey honey. Feeling better?"

"A little. Thank you for taking such wonderful care of me."

"That's my job baby."

She kissed your cheek as you pulled Olivia onto your lap to pet her making her purr.

"Taylor? Can you sing to me?"

She smiled and nodded her head, walking over to the other side of the room and grabbing her guitar before she sat back down next to you and singing your favorite songs to you, including 'never grow up' which was your absolute favorite.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now