Your child is sick (requested)

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Taylor wasn't sure what to do. You were at work today while she stayed home with your son Carter; she was sure they were gonna have a fun day together but she didn't expect for him to come down with a high fever and get sick after lunch.

He was begging for you, crying and mumbling that he needed you. After all he was your son and Taylor knew he needed you more than he needed her at that time.

She gently laid him down on the couch with a bucket by his side. She covered him up with his favorite blanket and put his favorite stuffed bunny by his side as he somehow fell asleep.

But she knew he wouldn't sleep for long and he'd only beg for you, even more, when he woke up.

So she grabbed her phone from the kitchen and started pacing back and forth down the hallway.

You answered on the second ring and it made her feel so relieved when she heard your voice.

"Taylor? Babe, is everything okay? Is Carter okay?"

She peeked across the corner and saw that he was still sleeping.

"Not really. Y/n he's sick. I'm not sure what to do. He's been throwing up and he's got a pretty bad fever. He's sleeping now but he really wants you."

She could heat drawers slamming before she heard you grab your keys.

"Okay, I'm on my way right now. I'll be there soon. If he wakes up before I get there tell him I'm on my way. I love you, Tay."

She told you she loved you before she heard the sound of retching again making her gasp and run out to where Carter was.

He was crying and he reached out to her. She sat down next to him and rubbed his back, noticing then that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

She told him it would all be okay and that he was safe. He stopped a minute later before breaking out into a fit of sobs as he rubbed his tired eyes with his hands.

"Your mom is on her way home now, buddy. You just lay down and try to get some sleep until she gets home."

He nodded and sucked on his thumb, a trait Taylor found he only does when he feels scared or when he's sick.

She pushed back his sweaty curls from his forehead. He was truly the spitting image of you.

The three-year-old boy that his father had turned his back on before he was born. It was okay though. Sure, she hated that you had to raise him alone for so long but Carter had quickly taken up space in her heart and she gave him more than enough love to make up for what he had lacked from another parent for a couple of years.

It was indescribable how much she loved you and Carter, always describing the two of you as the most beautiful and wonderful things in her life when people asked what she was most grateful for; it was always the two of you.

To see Carter so sick was so hard for her. Though he wasn't her flesh and blood, he meant everything to her as he did you, and to see his small body shake with sobs and aches, it hurt her just as much as it hurt him.

She snapped out of her thoughts when the front door next to her opened and she looked over at you, smiling when you kissed her forehead before kneeling down by your little boy.

You felt his forehead and winced when you felt how warm he was. You brushed one of his curls back with your hand and his eyes fluttered open, a small smile on his face when he saw you.

"Mommy." He lifted his arms and you sent him a small smile, bending down so he could wrap them around your neck.

"My tummy." He rubbed his tiny hand over his stomach and looked at you with tears in his eyes, the eyes that matched yours like almost everything else did.

"I know, honey. I'm sorry you don't feel good but mommy's here to take care of you now."

He nodded and yawned, stretching out his legs as he looked back at Taylor and reached out for her hand. Just like you, he can be kinda clingy when he's sick; but you never complained.

You loved it. You loved when he clung onto you, and Taylor too.

"Love you, mommy." He said while his eyes were locked with Taylor's. You knew he was talking to her and it made you smile, your heart bursting with so much love for the two people you loved more than anything else in the world.

"Love you too, sweet boy. Now get some sleep. We'll be right here if you need us."

You kissed his forehead and he soon fell back asleep with his stuffed bunny curled up in his arms.

You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw him close his eyes, grabbing the bucket and emptying it in the sink in the bathroom down the hall before walking back out to where Carter and Taylor were.

Taylor smiled when you sat down between her legs on the floor, your hands intertwining with hers.

"Thanks for taking such good care of him until I got here."

She shrugged and kissed your temple softly.

"You know I'm more than happy to do it. No need to thank me for that. Now you seem tense and you have bags under your eyes. Why don't you try getting some sleep too?"

She rested her chin on your shoulder and pressed a few kisses to your neck, both of you looking over at carter and smiling when you saw that he was still sound asleep.

"Okay. Love you, Tay."

She repeated the words back to you and you rested your head on her chest. She brushed your hair away from your neck and kissed your skin softly, helping you to feel comfortable enough to fall asleep.

She ended up falling asleep with you a few minutes later and when you woke up a few hours later Carter was no longer on the couch and Taylor was no longer behind you.

You panicked and stood up, running off to the kitchen where you were met with a sight that melted your heart.

Carter was sitting on the counter with little giggles leaving his lips as Taylor stood in front of him. She was feeding him some soup, doing the little airplane thing with him that he loved.

She laughed when he laughed and though he noticeably still had a fever, he had more color to his skin and he was no longer holding his stomach which was a great sign.

Taylor looked over and saw you standing in the doorway with a smile on your face.

"Look who it is!"

Carter looked at you and cheered when he saw you, reaching a hand out for you which you were quick to take in yours and you walked over to him.

You kissed the top of his head and felt so relieved when you noticed that his fever had gone down a little.

"You feeling any better, buddy?"

He nodded and smiled at you before looking back at Taylor, laughing and opening his mouth as the airplane came towards his lips.

You watched them interact for a couple of minutes before tugging on Taylor's arm and kissing her softly.

"I love you so much. Thank you for everything."

She smiled and kissed your cheek. "It's no problem at all. I love you too."

She paused and looked at Carter before poking at his ribs making him laugh as he squirmed around on the countertop as she held onto him so he wouldn't fall.

"And I love you, little dude." She kissed his forehead and he giggled, telling her he loved her too.

Your heart was so full right then and there and nothing else in the world mattered to you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now