"You are so much more than a number on a scale"

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You sat across from Taylor and pushed the food on your plate around with your fork.

Taylor has noticed lately that you've been losing some weight and eating a little less, so she cooked your favorite food for you for dinner.

She thought you wouldn't be able to resist it and you'd cave in and eat it, but she watched you just absentmindedly push the food around, not even taking a big bite.

She hesitated but reached over, placing her hand on top of yours and giving a small squeeze.

"y/n what's going on with you? Please eat it, even just a little bit of it."

You fought back the tears when you heard the desperation in her voice, trying to ignore her words and the words that echoed in your mind that told you not to eat.

"I'm sorry, Tay. I'm just not really feeling well, that's all."

"That's not true y/n. You and I both know that it's something so much deeper than that."

You scoffed, shaking your head and sliding back in your chair leaving Taylor confused.


"just leave it!"

You got up, running upstairs as quickly as you could while Taylor trailer after you. You tried to close the door but she blocked it with her foot, not even caring about the fact that you could've crushed it if you wouldn't have noticed.

You stomped over to the bed and sat down, burying your face in your hands, trying to ignore the sting in your chest.

Taylor walked over to you slowly, not wanting you to run away from her again. She just wanted to talk to you, wanting you to know that she cares about you. She didn't want you to turn away from her.

She sat down next to you, reaching for your hand and she felt relieved when you didn't pull back from her.

"y/n tell me what's going on. Why aren't you eating? Do you know how much you're hurting yourself?"

She heard you sniffle and when you looked up at her with tears streaming down your face, she had to bite her lip to fight back her own tears.

"You don't understand. They called me horrible names. I want to eat, I do. But I'm afraid to. I don't want to gain even more weight. I don't want to feel like that again. I feel worthless."

Taylor couldn't stop herself from crying when she heard that last sentence come out of your mouth.

"You feel... worthless? You are not worthless. You think your weight defines you? It doesn't baby, not at all. I'm sorry people are making you feel less than, but you are so much more than a number on a scale. I couldn't care less what you weigh, I'd love you just the same."

You sat in silence, tears continued to stream down both your faces as you took a few shaky breaths.

"Would you love me any less because of what I weigh?"

You looked up at her, your eyes meeting hers for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

"No. Never."

"Exactly. Just like I'd never love you any less because of what you weigh. I couldn't care less how much you weigh or how many pimples you have on your face or how many scars you could have on your body. I love you for who you are, for who you truly are. Everything about you, even the things that you hate about yourself, are beautiful to me. Every night I go to sleep thinking I couldn't love you more than I already do, but every morning I wake up and you prove me wrong. I love your messy hair and your freckles and how your eyes light up when you're excited. I love when your nose crinkles when you're laughing because you're so damn happy; genuinely happy. I love every single thing about you. Please don't do this to yourself. You are worth so much more than this."

You crawled onto her lap and cried onto her shirt, only crying harder when you felt her tears hit the crown of your head.

She tilted your chin up with her fingers and rubbed her nose against yours making you smile, Taylor doing the same in return before kissing you softly.

You pulled away and rested your head on her shoulder, her fingers scratching at the skin on your back softly.

She moved and looked into your eyes, pecking your cheek and tickling you, giggling along with you as squirmed in her arms.

"Now, what would you like for dinner? Name it and I'll get it for you."


"Pizza it is."

She grabbed your hand and led you downstairs, sitting down on the couch with you wrapped up in her arms as she ordered you a pizza.

You were gonna be okay.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now