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You felt relief wash over you when you finally arrived home after a long day at work. It was finally the weekend and you were more than happy about it.

You heard Taylor's footsteps coming down the stairs but you were so exhausted you couldn't even look up at her.

You took off one of your shoes and sighed when you felt one of Taylor's hands land on your arm. She bent down to help you take off your other shoe.

She picked you up in her arms and carried you upstairs to the bed, sitting down next to you and rubbing your tense shoulders.

"Long day, baby?"

You nodded your head, too exhausted to say anything. She kissed the crown of your head before getting up and going into the bathroom.

You could hear the water running and a smile crept up on your face, realizing that Taylor was running you a bath to help you relax. She was so considerate.

You closed your eyes and lowered your head, massaging your temples as a headache began to form.

You felt Taylor's hands land on your back making you jump but you instantly relaxed when you felt her kiss the back of your neck.

"C'mon baby, I'm running you a nice warm bath to help you relax."

You whined but stood up anyway, your knees slightly shaky and weak from feeling so tired. Taylor held onto you the whole way making sure you didn't fall, your eyes staying closed the whole time.

As soon as your body hit the warm water you felt relaxed, a little moan escaping your lips when the heat hit all your sore and tense muscles.

Taylor couldn't help but smile seeing you so relaxed, her hands grabbing a cup from the sink and pouring the water over your body.

"Feel good, babe?"

You simply nodded in response, no words needing to be said.

You felt Taylor kiss your shoulder before grabbing the shampoo and rinsing your hair, doing the same with the conditioner. She watched as you smiled, your eyes opening for the first time since you got into the bath.

"Hey, beautiful. Feeling any better?"

You looked at her and pulled one of your hands from the water, caressing her face and smiling when she smiled.

"Much. Thank you for doing this."

She kissed your forehead, rubbing her fingers over the soft skin. "You're welcome baby. You deserved this."

Your eyes closed again when Taylor began to run the washcloth over your body, the scent of Taylor's body wash making you moan softly.

Soon you drifted off to sleep, but you didn't mind. You felt so relaxed and safe and you knew Taylor would never let anything bad happen to you. You were always safe with her.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now