You have a migraine and fever and she takes care of you (requested)

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You groaned as you started to wake up, your body sticky with sweat and your head pounding. You tried to open your eyes but once you saw the light barely poking through the curtain, the pain intensified and you rolled over onto your stomach to block out the light.

You knew you were sick which was never fun, but it's always worse when you're alone. You could vaguely remember Taylor waking you up this morning and telling you that she had to go to the studio until evening. You remember feeling so tired that you just nodded your head and kissed her goodbye, mumbling an 'I love you' before falling back asleep.

You kicked the blankets off of your body and rolled around, trying to cool your body down, but nothing was helping you. You laid face down on Taylor's side of the bed and sighed, feeling so tired that you felt you could fall back asleep, which you ended up doing.

You woke up a few hours later, the clock reading 3:30pm.

Taylor should be home within the next few hours.

The pounding in your head just wouldn't ease up any. It was intense, every single second of it was just awful. You began to feel nauseous and sweaty, like your skin was on fire from how hot you felt.

You slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom, your bare feet hitting the cold tiles making you sigh in relief. You grabbed the cup and drank some cold water before groaning and laying down on the bathroom floor.

It felt so good. The cold tiles made your skin cool down. You closed your eyes in bliss and relaxed, finally feeling comfortable enough to fall asleep.

You felt someone shaking your shoulders and when you opened your eyes you saw it was Taylor. She rubbed up and down your arm softly, sending goosebumps down your body. She frowned when she felt how warm you were.

"Y/N? Baby you're burning up. Why are you laying on the bathroom floor."

"I'm not." You whined, Taylor furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"You are honey, but that's okay. C'mon, let's get you to bed."

"I am in bed."

Taylor chuckled softly at how delirious you were, shaking her head and picking you up.

She heard you beginning to cry and rubbed your back softly, trying to soothe you. She laid you down on the bed and as soon as she sat down next to you, you crawled onto her lap, wrapping your legs around her hips and resting your head on her chest.

"Oh baby. It's okay."

"I don't feel good."

"I know honey. It's alright, I've got you."

She continued to hold you in her arms and sang softly in your ear, watching as you began to calm down.

She laid you down on your back as you whined, grabbing her wrist as she tried to get out of bed.

"No don't go."

"Babe I will be right back. I'm just gonna go downstairs and grab you a glass of cold water and a cool cloth for your head. I'll be back in just a minute, honey."

You whined and rolled around on the bed, trying to get comfy. Your eyes slid shut and you sighed in relief when you felt something cool and wet being placed on your forehead, Taylor smiling at you as she adjusted the cloth on your forehead to help cool you down and hopefully help your fever go away.

She held the glass of water in her hands and helped you take a few sips before setting it down on the nightstand, pulling you in her arms as she rubbed your back.

It was a few minutes later when she looked back at you to find you sleeping, removing the cloth from your forehead, relieved when she felt that your fever had gone down.

She kissed your damp forehead a few times and watched you sleep, listening to your breathing as you slept peacefully.

She was so happy to know that you were feeling better. She'd always be there to make sure that you felt better and to take good care of you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book one (gxg) - COMPLETED & FULLY EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now