Denzel 20

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As I sat in Shannon's house smoking I thought back to my childhood and even though weed usually mellowed me out, I found myself getting pissed because of all the shyt I went through growing up. There were a couple incidents that stood out; there was one time my mom went to Hawaii for a week with her boyfriend at the time leaving me, Hazel, and Myzel alone.... keep in mind I was five at the time, there was no adult supervision and when she got back she said we needed to learn to survive on our own. Or the time that I got so sick in school that the school had to call her to come pick me up and she was mad because I interrupted her dick appointment keep in mind that she never came, even when the school called an ambulance and as soon as I got home after Myzel's dad picked me up, she whooped my ass for like an hour straight because her dude said that I 'fucked up his nut'. And then there was the incident in which she spit in my face because I told her flat out that she was wrong as fuck for letting another one of her boyfriends almost touch Hazel, her excuse 'Hazel needs to stop being so damn fast'. So y'all can see why me and my mom had a rocky relationship, hell those weren't even the worst things she has done but I really didn't want to get into that, I just wanted a distraction...... I watched as Eddie and Bubblez disappeared upstairs leaving me alone with Shannon.

"Didju fuck that nigga?" I asked Shannon who rolled her eyes. "Look I'm only asking because I know a Magnum wrapper when I see one and that nigga definitely put one in his pocket before he left, now I don't know if that nigga was trying to be funny or if he was claiming his territory but I wanna know the truth Shannon."

"Denzel... you don't get to come over to my house asking questions about who I am fuckin... you're not my man and you sure as hell don't pay any bills here, but to answer your stupid ass question NO I didn't fuck Hezekiah..... he wanted to but it was a hard pass because I don't mix business with pleasure. He's the weed man, he provides the weed, I provide the money... end of transaction." Shannon said and at this point, I didn't have a choice but to believe her.

"Aight so what you tryin to do?" I asked looking at her. "I didn't drive out here to argue... in fact, you know why I came out here, your ass been playing me since I got out and I'm starting to think that you ain't fuckin with me like that anymore." I said giving her my most charming smile.

"Let's watch a movie...." Shannon said grabbing my hand and leading me up the stairs to her bedroom, I laid across the bed and Shannon turned on a movie before disappearing into her bathroom. No lie it sounded like Eddie was in the room across the hall trying to kill Bubblez, given the way she was screaming but also begging for him not to stop. While I waited for Shannon I got a text from my sister Hazel telling me to call her and no lie I was kinda nervous because even though me and Hazel had a great relationship she had a tendency of unintentionally making me feel guilty about leaving Vonzel with the devil.

"Wassup Hazel...." I said answering my phone and praying that she wasn't about to drag me.

"You've been out for two fuckin weeks Denzel and I'm just now founding out, why the fuck was your busted ass friends the first people you went to go see, and why the fuck is this bitch calling my phone saying that you spit in her face?" Hazel asked.

"What? Man that bitch is lying, I didn't spit in her face and you know me, Hazel, if I did I would tell you that I spit in her face, I did, however, call her a couple bitches but that's about it. But the reason I didn't come see you was because I know you, Hazel, you would've tried to convince me to come home when that's not even possible.... the terms of my release are set in stone but you wouldn't have wanted to hear that since you're stubborn as fuck." I said as Shannon walked into the room with a towel wrapped around her body.

"Where are you at right now Denzel? I'm about to come and get you....." Hazel said and I tensed up, okay so I haven't exactly came out to my family about my type and it's not because I'm embarrassed or anything it's just Hazel is protective and Myzel is.....

"I'm actually busy right now but we can link up later this week if you want.... but uhh what happened with mom and Myzel, she told me he punched her in the face which is why she got him arrested, so what happened?" I asked and I didn't even have to be there to know that Hazel was rolling her eyes.

"He did.... but it's not like he did it to be malicious or anything, okay so Myzel was sleeping and her ass stumbled in the house drunk ass fuck like always and you know how much he looks like his dad well, her drunk ass started rubbing on him and when she touched his dick he reacted.... if we're being honest here her ass should be the one locked up and not him." Hazel said and found myself getting pissed.

"Ayy I'll call you back.... I love you sis." I said quietly and one she said it back I knew that were was a lot we needed to talk about and over the phone wasn't the place to have such a deep discussion. I got up off the bed and walked over to Shannon who was rubbing lotion all over her body and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Denzel we're not having sex." Shannon said as I began kissing her shoulder, damn her skin was soft as fuck.

"Who said anything about sex? I was under the impression that we came up here to watch a movie, yet here you are with your mind in the gutter, dick getting hard and all I did was kiss your shoulder." I said teasing her a little bit. "So what movie are we watching?" I asked as she slipped from my grasp and grabbed the remote to her firestick. I went back to the bed as Shannon turned on 'Baby Boy' and I could already see where this was going to led; something I learned is that whenever you go over a person's house and they put on a non-porn movie with a lot of sex, it was a subtle way of asking for the dick without being obvious so I decided to see just where her head was at before deciding my next move.

"Why are you sitting way over there?" She asked when she noticed that I move for the bed to that leather couch she had in her bedroom.

"Because I'm not trying to be tempted by a temptress.... if I come lay in bed with you, then you're going to wanna cuddle, and if I cuddle with you my dick is going to get hard and if my dick gets hard... well I can't be held responsible for your legs being pushed behind your head while I'm hitting you with some deep strokes.... So it's safer if I just stay my ass over here." I said trying to hide the fact that my dick was already hard.

"Denzel if you don't get your ass over here and stop being petty...." She said rolling her eyes and I put on a whole show of stomping my feet and pouting as I moved over to the bed but even then I laid as far away from her as possible. We were doing good for the first few minutes, I tried to ignore the fact that she had managed to move closer to me to the point that our legs were brushing against each other. "You're going to have to take them jeans off in my bed." Shannon said in a fake irritated voice, I got out of bed and took all my clothes off except for my boxers before getting back into bed.

"You really need to stop with the games and just admit you want some dick...." I said wrapping my arms around her and kissing on her neck. "Why is it so hard for you to say 'Daddy I want some dick'?" I asked as she turned and kissed me.

"Because I don't.... I just wanna watch this movie and go to sleep." She said as she rubbed her ass against my dick, which was throbbing at this point.

"If that was the case we could've stayed in the living room....." I said as my hand moved into her panties and wrapped around her dick which was just as hard as mine. "And if you really wanted to watch the movie you wouldn't be facing away from it.... you're not slick Shannon, you lured me up here for one reason and one reason alone." I said as she lifted her ass just enough for me to slide her panties off her ass, once they were mostly off I slid two fingers inside her tight ass and started fingering her slowly. "Come on just say it....." I said taking my boxers off as well and it was in that moment that all that playing shyt went out the window.

"Daddy I wasn't some dick....." Shannon said quietly and I smirked, see she can try to play me all she wanted but I knew the truth, she invited me over here for a reason and we BOTH knew what the reason was.... we could play cat and mouse all day and all night but the outcome would always be the same, which was me fuckin her and her calling me Daddy..................

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Mauricio or Ka'Jai? 

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