Have you ever watched something so disgusting that you couldn't look away? That's how I felt watching Marcelino and Piru... those two were trying to suck each other's souls from each others mouth and it was almost disturbing. Supreme tapped my leg and motioned for me to follow him and give them some space, I got up and followed him upstairs and as we walked through the hallway my eyes landed on 'the door' I'm not going to lie I was growing more and more curious about what was behind it because men loved to talk a big game but I knew most of them were all talk..... but then there was Sterling aka Supreme, his whole vibe seemed to radiate sexual energy and lowkey I was almost scared to see what he was capable of. Supreme's room was... there was really no other word besides magnificent, I looked around and my eyes diverted to the fireplace and the massive tv screen on the wall, his bed was huge and it looked extremely comfortable. As I stood there taking in the scenery Supreme grabbed my hand and led me out to the balcony as I looked out to his backyard, Supreme came back with two glass of dark liquor and smiled.
"What you scared? Come on Mauricio, you're staying here tonight and there's really not shyt else for us to do besides sit here and get comfortable..... unless you wanna go watch your twin and Piru suck each other's faces." Supreme said handing me a glass.
"I'd rather not.... I swear you don't know how awkward it was going on dates with them, if you think they're bad in private it's ten times worse in public, it's like they get off on making people uncomfortable and I'm not really big on public displays of affection." I said taking a sip of the liquor.
"Aww.... we're going to have to change that because as I've told you in the past, I'm sorta like Piru and IF I'm in love with somebody I like to show them off and that means there will be public displays of affection.... if we get to that point in our relationship." Supreme said before he got quiet. "So umm... I wanna run a couple things by you, you know I'm having this big ass Halloween Party/ Birthday party for you and your bro.... and Piru wants to invite Ja'Koda." Supreme said quietly.
"It's your house... you can invite whoever you want but that nigga better stay the fuck away from me because the way I'm feeling about a few things.... I don't wanna fuck up anything in your house when I inevitably beat his ass." I said looking into his eyes.
"I'm not worried about that... there will be security and plus my big brother will be here and given the fact that he's flying all the way up here to see me I doubt he'll tolerate anyone fuckin up his visit." Supreme said and I nodded. "So what's going on with us Mauricio? You know I'm feeling you and I'm trying to get to know you but you seem distant."
"I'm sorry it's not you.... I got a lot going on right now and I don't....." Before I could finish my phone started ringing and I wanted to ignore it but it was Ashanti and given her... our current situation I knew I could ignore her. "Give me a second.... wassup."
"My... my parents know and they.... they want you to come over here, like right now." Ashanti said and normally I didn't give in to demands but I really didn't want to leave her alone, especially not with everything that was going on.
"Sorry Supreme I gotta make a run real quick, I don't want you to feel like it has anything to do with what you were trying to talk about because it doesn't..... I'll explain everything when I get back." I said getting up and walking downstairs.... these two, Marcelino was sitting on Piru's lap while he kissed all over m brother's neck and chest. "Let me use your car Piru."
"Here man...." Piru said aggravated, he tossed me the keys before tossing Marcelino on the couch. As I drove across town I got more and more nervous because I had met Ashanti's parents a few times and though they were always nice to me, they were very traditional meaning I wouldn't be surprised if when I pulled up I was forced into the backyard with a shotgun to find a preacher waiting.