Marcelino 75

881 61 20

♪Hard Body, muthafucker got the heart of a killer, young god in the building 'bout to start a religion. 'Bout to call Bin Laden up and order some missiles, bring 'em straight to ya block and go to war with you bitches. If you hit the head then the rest fall in position, shoot a nigga on the porch and make him fall in the kitchen♪ Me and Piru had two different opinions on what Lil Wayne's best mixtape was and though I was a Drought 4 type of guy, watching Piru clean his bedroom completely naked while listening to Drought 3 was definitely changing my opinion. As Piru vacuumed he mumbled to himself quietly, I knew he was feeling some type of way about me not being able to spend Thanksgiving with him and with Supreme going down to Atlanta and Shawnee taking Enrico to California for the week, Piru was pretty much going to be on his own and I felt completely bad but I really didn't have a choice in the matter. I'm sorry it's I know this is supposed to be a serious situation but it was difficult to focus when his dick was just sitting there, swinging as he walked around the room and there was nothing I want more than to......

"Marcelino, bruh quit staring at my dick wit'cho gay ass." Piru said throwing a pillow at me as he moved the vacuum cleaner to his closet. "BRUH WHY ARE YOU STARING AT MY DICK?!?!?!?" Piru yelled walking over and standing over me, his dick inches from my lips and I glanced up at him and smiled.

"Well if you wanna walk around naked I'm going to look.... if you have a problem with it then put some damn clothes on, though I really wish you wouldn't." I said grabbing his dick and stroking it gently.

"Nigga this is my room, so if I wanna walk around naked then that's what the fuck I'm going to do. Matter fact since you wanna ask questions, I got a question for you.... why aren't you naked?" Piru asked smiling, I just I wasn't moving fast enough for Piru because he jumped on top of me and started kissing me on the neck. "Do you really have to leave?" Piru asked pinning me to the bed.

"You know I've already asked to stay but Anjo instantly shut me down, but if it was up to me I'd be in this exact same spot for the entire week. Why can't you just buy a plane ticket and come with us? You can get a hotel and I can come stay there with you when we're not doing whatever it is they're going to be having us doing." I said looking up at him.

"Because I've told you, I'm saving up so I can get my own place.... and I need to save every red cent that I'm not giving to Shawnee for my son." Piru said and I rolled my eyes. "Plus I gotta work, Supreme needs someone who he trust to look after all his shops while he's away and that list of people is me, his brother, and that nigga Taryl."

"I still don't think you should be alone Piru..... have you considered reaching out to your family?" I asked and the look in his eyes gave me his answer. "What about Trell and them? I know they ain't doing shyt, why don't y'all get together and have y'alls own lil Thanksgiving dinner?" I asked and he leaned forward and kissed me.

"You're always looking out for me Marcelino.... that's why I fuckin love you, that and you're funny as fuck, and you got a big heart, I love that you challenge me, but most importantly that you accept my son..... even if you insist on feeding him nasty ass, trash ass, disgusting ass, toxic ass ketchup." Piru said smiling.

"I'm only with you because you got a big dick." I said looking into his eyes and he smacked me with a pillow. "Serious, I can't name all the reasons I love you but let me try..... ♪1... your smile, don't have to say no more. 2... your guidance and all the things you show me. 3... the way you look at me when you say "I love you". 4... your headstrong personality. 5... your take-charge capability. 6... I love the way you cook for me; beef roast, white rice with gravy.....♪"

"I swear you are gay as FUCK!!! I love that shyt....." Piru said kissing me. "When you get back from cornfields and hillbillies we gotta go Christmas shopping for lil bro and Enrico."

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