The next morning I was still heated about what Ziggy had done and I was wracking my brain trying to figure out his motives, I hadn't done anything to him for him to not only try to ruin my dreams of playing in the NFL but for him also to try to ruin my relationship with Izaia. Izaia wanted to go to Ziggy's house to fight, Shooter was of the mind that I should beat Ziggy's ass and it took every trick I had to stop him from telling the whole team about what Ziggy had done. I wanted to handle this on my own but Ziggy was a smooth talker and I knew that if I were to confront him alone he'd be able to weasel his way out of this situation.... ain't that some shyt? Like I knew this nigga could do it and I still would've believed him mainly because he was that damn good at spinning his way out of any situation. Finally, I gave up trying to figure out how to approach this situation and called Seven, I hated calling him so late at night but he was supposed to be my mentor and given that he did say I could call anytime day or night and since I really needed some advice right now I figured what harm could it do.
"Beat his ass." Seven said groggily, I felt bad for waking him up but this was important and I couldn't go to Will because he was already on ten, the last thing I needed was for him to go up to my school and fight Coach K. "Seven..." A soft voice said in the background and even though I couldn't see him I felt a shift in Seven's whole demeanor. "Look the best thing I can tell you is to go to your principle and your coach and tell them what happened.... personally I think you should break his arm but I don't want you getting in trouble."
"Thanks, Seven I'll take what you said under consideration... sorry for waking you up." I said quietly.
"Nah you good, I was about to get up and handle something that I've been putting off for a couple of hours. I just needed some rest but call me if you need anything." Seven said and there was yet another shift in his voice, it kinda reminded me of when me and Izaia were about to....... I didn't sleep well, even though Ziggy had tried to ruin me, I still felt guilty about what I was about to do. There had to be some reason why he went through all this trouble to cause trouble for me and Izaia, it had to go deeper than him just liking me.
We all sat in the office; me, Will, Nayquinn, Shymal, Coach K, Principal Waters, Izaia, his sexy ass coach, and his principal. We were all waiting around for Ziggy, I had told them exactly what happened and Shymal corroborated my story including showing videos of him leaving Ziggy's house with my playbook. The room was quiet but Will was staring daggers at Coach K, Nayquinn and Shymal were having an intense conversation in the corner, and Izaia was looking forward, his expression was hard to read.
"While we wait for Zachariah, I guess we can discuss Mr. Booth's suspension." Principal Waters said and everyone left the room except for Will and Nayquinn, I looked over at Izaia who still hadn't met my eyes and I wondered if he was still mad at me for this entire situation.
"So what are we going to do Calvin?" Coach K asked walking over to me, I could tell he was pissed but that he also didn't want to cause a scene. "More likely than not my starting quarterback will be getting suspended all because you couldn't keep your fuckin mouth shut." Coach K whispered and I should've known that this was football which seemed to be the only thing he cared about.
"Coach I....." Before I could form a thought Ziggy walked in looking as if he were going to a funeral, his mom right behind him looking stern but unconcerned as she and Ziggy sat by the secretary's desk. I noticed a small movement to my left and Izaia was trying to move past his coach who had a firm grip on him, he whispered something in Izaia's ear and Izaia sat down. Ziggy winked in my direction and pulled out his phone, seconds later he put it back in his satisfied by something.
"Man this some bullshyt!" Nayquinn said walking out Principal Waters's office while Will followed right behind him smiling. "Shy I'll catch you later bro, because of this nigga I got in-school suspension." He said pointing to Will.