Nayquinn 16

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"Ayy peep this... that bitch ass nigga gotta go." I said pointing to Will who had stopped mid-conversation and looked at me, his eyes seemed to dance on the line between anger and amusement. "Oh, you think this is funny? Devin that nigga hit me and if he's not gone by the time I go upstairs and change I'm beating his ass." I said and Will jumped up but Devin quickly pulled him back to his chair. I really couldn't get a read on what Devin was thinking as he began pacing around the dining room, maybe he was trying to figure out how to let this nigga go without causing a scene. Before Devin could officially hand this nigga his pink slip, a little dark-skinned boy came running through the house he ran straight over to me and hid behind my leg as another little boy with wild hair and green eyes came right behind him.... his hands were dirty as fuck and he was leaving little fingerprints all over my pants getting them dirty as fuck, I tried pushing him off but he was holding on for dear life as Lil Lightskin baby held up a worm scaring the other one.

"Odi stop.... ayy y'all go back out back with Blaze." Devin said and the two little boys ran outside leaving us alone with Will. "Aight so tell me everything that happened." Devin said looking at me.

"This nigga was talking shyt then he put his fuckin hands on me!" I said looking at Will who mouthed 'snitch' behind Devin's back.

"Dev, I told you the second you asked me to this for you that I don't tolerate smart ass kids and if one of them try me I'm putting them on their ass, you knew what you were getting when I agree to this so you can't be mad that I'm a man of my word." Will said smiling. "Besides he needs someone to keep his ass in check because I can look at him and tell that he only respects niggas that'll go toe to toe with him." Will said shrugging.

"NIGGA I DON'T RESPECT YOUR BITCH ASS!" I said stepping towards him and Will jumped up like he was going to do something. "THIS NIGGA NEEDS TO GO! I DON'T LIKE HIM AND IF HE STAYS HERE WE'RE GOING TO FIGHT EVERY SINGLE DAY UNTIL ONE OF US IS GONE!" I said pointing at Will.

"Little nigga I'm not here to be liked, I'm here to make sure your dumbass goes to school, stays out of trouble, and other shyt that I really can't remember because I didn't read the employee handbook. I'm not your friend and if you wanna fight every single day then every single day you can get your ass whooped and I can get a warmup in before my workout." Will said and I swear I was about to steal on this dude, but Devin started laughing which confused me.

"I see what's going on here....." Devin said shaking his head. "Aight well I'm going to let y'all figured this out and take a step back because honestly, this shyt is petty. Will keep your hands to yourself." Devin said walking outside. Me and Will stood there looking at each other and he seemed to get a kick out of the fact that he still had a job but I was going to make it my mission to get him fired but my plans would have to be placed on hold because the front door opened and Calvin, The Twins, Ziggy, and Shooter all walked in.

"Look I was against this plan from the beginning but they wanna know if you're trying to play three on three basketball." Marcelino asked and I was about to tell this pussy to fuck off when Devin walked in.

"I got ten thousand for the winning team." He said and that definitely got my attention. "Where's Denzel and Ka'Jai we can do four on four." Devin asked Will who walked off to go find punk ass Ka'Jai and bitch ass Denzel. I walked upstairs and changed into some basketball shorts before going outside where everyone was waiting. Devin had the bright idea to let his twins pick the team which resulted in me being on a team with Mauricio, Denzel, and Ziggy, see I should've stayed my ass in the house but that money was calling me.

"I'll guard Nayquinn...." Shooter said walking over to me, I smirked he seemed pretty easy to take and I was a dirty player so I'd be able to embarrass him and get some payback for that shyt he was talkin earlier.

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