We sat in the lobby trying not to stare at each other, Nayquinn was sitting by the hotel bar flirting with the bartender but I could tell by his body language that his heart wasn't in it, every few minutes he'd glance back in my direction and the mean mug on his face told me that he was horny. What the fuck was I doing with this dude? Nayquinn was everything I said I didn't want in a dude; closeted, arrogant, disrespectful, and if I was being honest he wasn't even that cute..... but even as I thought all that pictures flooded my mind. Us laying in bed, Nayquinn's forehead pressed to mine as he fucked me slowly, my head laying on his bony ass chest as he ran his fingers through my hair, telling me about his fucked-up upbringing with his tyrannical ass father, or Nayquinn just walking up to me and kissing me, out of nowhere just walking up to me, grabbing my face and kissing me, or how we'd just lay in bed and he paid close attention to all the hand signs I taught him. I knew in my heart that he wasn't good for me.... in fact, I knew this would end badly but damn I had strong feelings for him, already and he knew it. I watched as he discreetly signed that he wanted to fuck again and I rolled my eyes because now wasn't the time or place, especially with them walking back into the lobby with.... what is Ziggy doing here?
"How you feeling bro, I heard you were sick..." Ziggy said coming over and trying to check my forehead, he knew I hated when people touched my face; of course as I thought that I was taken back to Nayquinn grabbing my face and kissing me.
"Yeah, I think it was something I ate.... but uhh I didn't know you were coming." I said and I that's when I noticed the subtle tension between everyone; Calvin was biting his nails, Izaia was standing off to the side with his hand in his pockets clearly in a fist, and Ziggy seemed to enjoy making them both uncomfortable. "Lemme talk to you for a second." I said pulling Ziggy to the side, ignoring Nayquinn's discreet sign language of him basically saying 'don't get fucked up'.
"I already know what you're going to say Shooter, and the answer is no... I'm not thinking about that nigga or Calvin. I just wanted to come see the game and my uncle who's a coach invited me up here." Ziggy said smirking.
"Nigga just because he's fuckin your aunt doesn't mean he's your uncle at least not legally. Look I've been with these niggas a couple of days and Calvin is really happy with Izaia, happier than I've seen him in a while... You know how he was after his mom and this is the first time I've seen him at complete ease, you're my boy and I know how you feel about Calvin but you missed your opportunity. I told you to man up and tell him how you felt and your lack of action resulted in the next nigga stepping up and now.... I can't help you." I said trying to talk him back from doing something stupid.
"Like I said... I'm not thinking about Calvin, that's my boy and I'm glad he's happy." Ziggy said and I could hear it in his voice that he was completely full of shyt, he was fuming about Calvin and Izaia... especially because it was Izaia. "Come on I'm fuckin hungry and they're ready to eat." Calvin said walking off. We all walked outside and as we were about to load into the car one of the twins pulled me to the side and I definitely didn't trust the look of mischief in his eyes.
"Soooo..... how was it?" He asked trying not to laugh, I knew what he was eluding to but I wasn't going to say a damn thing because it wasn't any of his business. "Don't say anything, your face just gave it away, I knew dude had some good dick because he's annoying as fuck and that's usually a dead giveaway.... but don't worry I won't say shyt." He said patting me on the back and walking off, should I be offended that he automatically assumed I was a bottom?
We sat in the restaurant and I was almost certain that the other diners hated us, we were loud and rowdy but who the fuck cares? We were actually having a good time and everyone was getting along, even Nayquinn was having a conversation with Denzel at the other end of the table. Once our food got to the table everyone broke off into their own conversations and I kept glancing at Nayquinn who was now having a conversation with Calvin and I knew.....