Ka'Jai 71

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I couldn't wait for next week, I would be off from school and also I had the whole week off from my job; don't get me wrong I loved working with Yin and I loved that I wan learning more about software development than I would've if not for this job but I needed a fuckin break. Nah, I needed more than a break I needed a vacation and since we were leaving for Columbus next week it would put some distance between me and the thing that was really bothering me and that was this whole Quincy and Kairo situation because it was getting to the point where I was going to beat both of their asses. Kairo had been blowing my phone up nonstop and Quincy kept taking subtle jabs at me whenever he posted something, I knew me and Quincy had to fight there was really no way around it because if he was lying then he had completely fucked up my relationship with Kairo, but if he was telling the truth.... well that betrayal was something I could never forgive. The other reason I wanted to leave was because of Shane..... we didn't do anything that day I showed up at his house but we were damn close and if it had not been for his cousin then there's no telling what would've happened.

"Ayy Ka'Jai you can dip out early today, a couple of us are going out for drinks so there's no point in you being the only one here." Yin said walking over to my desk and I nodded, I was thankful for the early reprieve mainly because I couldn't focus on my work even if I wanted to. After gathering all my stuff I called the house and had to wait for someone to come pick me up which could take like thirty minutes to an hour because of this damn traffic mixed with the rain.

"Kairo....." I said walking down to the lobby where he was waiting, at first I wanted to take him into one of these nice ass restrooms and..... but then I remembered there was a possibility that he fucked my cousin. As I stood there looking at him, I noticed how red his eyes were; I had been avoiding him in school and this was the first time we had been face to face since that party.

"We need to talk." Kairo said and I swear I hated those four words, they made me feel like I was the one who fucked up when the truth is my only crime was thinking that Quincy had truly forgiven me when in truth he had been plottin. "I can take you home if you want." He said and I shrugged, I sent a text to Madison, telling her that I had a ride and followed him out to the car.

"If you're not going to tell me the truth Kairo then I don't wanna hear anything you have to say.... so tell me the truth did you fuck that nigga?" I asked looking at him as we stood outside the car.

"Does it really even matter Ka'Jai? I can tell you I didn't fuck him until I'm blue in the face and you won't believe me either way.... you just want me to say I fucked him because in your mind I did, and there's nothing that I can say that'll change that." Kairo said getting in the driver seat.

"Look at it from my side of things Kai'; you admit to chillin with that nigga, you admit to leaving your jacket over his house, and this nigga has been calling you, you've admitted that you think that nigga is 'funny', and he's said it out his own mouth that y'all fucked, not to mention the condom. So what am I supposed to think?" I asked getting heated.

"Ka'Jai when your mom died, I let you stay in my house, I spent all my money making sure you were good, I even helped pay for the funeral, I fuckin love you and I've NEVER cheated on you. That fuck would it look like for me to do all that and then turn around and fuck your cousin of all people." Kairo said getting pissed.

"Then how the fuck does he know all the shyt you like? I've never told him about us, I don't talk about our sex life." I said and Kairo turned bright red. "He knows about your birthmark, he knows about how you suck dick and your lack of gag reflexes, he knows how you ride dick, he knows that you love it when I pull your hair.... I sure as hell didn't tell him and since the only two people who know about that shyt is in this car one of us told him and it wasn't me." I said contemplating getting out the car at the next light ad walking home.

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