Ka'Jai 43

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I was exhausted.... Quincy was taking full advantage of me basically being his slave; calling me at all hours of the day and night for the most random shyt, constantly calling me for rides to his appointments and taking him to see his daughter, and just.... Though I really couldn't complain because I had stolen eighteen months of his life so it was the very least I could do, but that didn't take from the physical toll it was taking on my mind and body, now here I was dozing off in class trying to stay awake and I was fighting a losing battle. Kairo elbowed me gently and I sat up in my seat, physics was boring already so add that to my exhaustion and I knew I wouldn't last too much longer. Somehow I managed to make it through my last class but I was in no condition to drive back to the house let alone pick up Calvin from practice so one of the other dudes would have to do it, Big John came to pick me up and all I wanted to do was go to my room and sleep but when we got to the house I could tell there was some sort of meeting going on. On one side sat Nayquinn, Onyx, Raynard, and Shymal, opposite of them were Denzel, Izaia, Eddie, and Myzel, while everyone else was sitting in the middle waiting for Big John and Will to start talking.

"Do you wanna start or should.... You know what fuck it, aight so this little beef y'all got going on consider it dead. I don't give a fuck who fucked who's girl or who killed who's relative, what y'all not finna do is keep fighting every time y'all see each other at least not here." Will said looking around the room.

"What Will is trying to say is... this is a neutral zone, whatever beef y'all have stops the second you walk on this property. It has to be exhausting fighting every single time y'all see each other, so from now on no more fighting in here." Big John said.

Big muthafuckin facts because my bro worked too damn hard for y'all to be fuckin up his shyt... he got too much riding on this to let y'all ruin it over some shyt that should've been left in middle school." Will said.

"Nah.... it's on sight no matter where we are, the only reason I'm not whooping these niggas ass right now is because my bro Nayquinn asked me to at least hear y'all out and now that I've done so... what's stopping me from swinging on one of these pussy niggas." Raynard said looking across the room and I could tell that Denzel's group were getting ready to jump up but got distracted by Will laughing. "What's so funny?" Raynard asked as Will wiped a tear from his eye.

"Man didn't you and two of your boys get put on your ass by the same dude in rapid succession? Like for Montello had all y'all on y'alls ass in the amount of time it takes to blink.... and real talk from what I've seen you are the last person who should be talking about whoopin anybody's ass because your record is looking a little shaky." Will said and I remembered vividly what happened with Nayquinn's boys and Montello; they were all out front not really talking about shyt and Raynard was running his mouth per usual and he called Montello the 'f word' and before he even had time to get out the 't' he was on the ground holding his mouth, Onyx tried to defend his boy and got hit with a monstrous combo, then Shymal I don't think he was trying to hurt Montello but he still got pieced up as well.

"Now look.... all we're asking for is peace at minimum if y'all niggas wanna fight that bad there's a whole backyard where y'all can shoot the ones. Hell y'all can even do it like we used to and call out the person you wanna fight but not in the house if y'all fight in the house y'all will be banned from coming over here." Big John said and with that, they finished up the meeting and asked me to come into the office.

"So how long do you think this little truce will last?" I asked sitting at the desk and they shrugged. "I give it a month, they are too set in their ways to change now and there's too much beef there."

"Not necessarily... when I was living in Columbus our two main houses were constantly at odds with each other until we tried a little experiment and now... for the most part they all get along. Now I get that this is a different situation but it starts with the leaders of their respective groups, if we can at least get Nayquinn and Denzel to stop trying to kill each other then it will filter to the others.... which is what we're wanted to talk to you about. We came up with a sorta game that requires teamwork, two groups of three and we need you to....."

"Y'all are putting me with Nayquinn and Denzel aren't y'all?" I asked and they nodded, I really didn't have a problem with Denzel, but Nayquinn's mouth was reckless as fuck.

"I think you can keep them in check." Will said smiling, I shrugged and decided to take my ass to sleep, but before I could reach the stairs Will stopped me. "Ayy hold up we got on more annoucement." He said and I lumbered back into the living room in, I could barely keep my eyes open so I prayed that this was quick.

"Aight so Devin is starting this new thing where he's having mentors come and work with y'all. He's reached out to a few people already and he's got someone for most of y'all. Ka'Jai you're already being mentored by Yin, Denzel you'll meet your mentor sometime next week, Calvin you'll meet your mentor on Sunday, and Nayquinn your with Will." Big John said and I could tell Nayquinn wasn't feeling that but he didn't argue.

Once we were done I took my ass upstairs and went to sleep, when I woke up the next morning still in my uniform, it was about four o'clock which meant that I had a couple hours before I needed to start getting ready for school so I figured I'd workout until it was time. However when I got down to the gym there were already two people inside, Nayquinn and that dude Shooter, they looked like they were just working out and I started to walk inside until Shooter grabbed Nayquinn's shirt and tried to kiss him. Nayquinn turned his head and then slowly turned back and kissed Shooter on the lips and started smiling.... this was the first time I actually seen Nayquinn smile and honestly he seemed at peace so I decided not to interrupt them and go do some homework...... Later during lunch I was sitting with Fitz and I had, for the most part, tuned him out until something he said caught my ear.

"We should all go out on a double date; me, you, Kairo, and Tarik." My boy Fitz said and I don't know what to call this nigga; straight, curious, bisexual, or a troll. But there was one thing I was certain of and that was.....

"Fitz.... Tarik doesn't want you and as his best friend I think I know better than anyone seeing as how me and Tarik talk about his type all the time and I know for a fact you're not his type." I said looking at him.

"Ka'Jai.... I'm everyone's type and we both know that Tarik is just playing hard to get, he wants someone to chase him and I got nothing but time. Look I'm not saying me and that nigga gotta get married... I just wanna kiss on him, eat his ass a little, and then fuck.... I bet I be his type after that." Fitz said and it was shyt like that they made me question his sexuality.

"I guess we can go see a movie or something...." I said as my eyes were directed elsewhere, my old friend Shane was sitting by himself and once again I started to feel guilty about how I had cut him off when me and Kairo had started to mend our relationship. "Wassup?" I asked walking over to his table and he looked at me and nodded. "So how have you been?" I asked.

"..............." Shane just stared at me and I knew that was the most I was going top get outta him so I walked back over to Fitz and sat down.

"You sure you didn't fuck that nigga because he looked like he was about to beat your ass and only someone with DEEP feelings would be that pressed over you not talking to him and they only way you get those type of feelings is through sex." Fitz said and I wasn't about to entertain this nigga's conspiracy theories. Kairo and Tarik walked into the cafeteria and just as I was about to go greet them I got a text telling me to come outside.

"Wassup Quincy?" I asked getting in his car and I was honestly surprised this nigga was up, let alone driving but I wasn't going to question it, hopefully now he'd stop calling me for every little thing.

"I've been doing some thinking.... and what I've done to you is foul, you're my cousin Ka'Jai and I shouldn't be using you as a slave. Granted what you did to me was even more fucked up but I'm the one who put you in that situation in the first place so it's my fault too..... look let's just call it even aight?" Qunicy said offering me his hand and I nodded as we shook on it. "So... I'm having this dinner at my house next weekend, want you and Kairo to come over everyone is going to be there and I would really appreciate it if you and your dude came as well."

"Aight I'll see if we got anything planned and try to make it over there, but you should really get outta here because the school security guard is kinda racist and he'll have no problem calling the cops on you... we'll talk more once I get outta school." I said getting out of his car and I walked back inside, I guess I was released from my commitment to Quincy but why did I feel so guilty about it..... whatever I won't linger on it I just need to get through the rest of the day and figure out how I'm going to deal with Nayquinn and Denzel.....................

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