Ka'Jai 129

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As the twins rushed off to the hospital I was preparing to make a decision, almost at the exact same time I got two text messages one from Shane and the other from Kairo.... they both wanted me to come and see them. Shane was more nonchalant, saying that he had something to show me but if I'm too busy it can wait... my gut was telling me that it was something that couldn't wait. But then you have Kairo... his text was short and to the point; basically letting me know that he was horny as fuck and even though we weren't together he didn't feel comfortable fuckin anyone else. I'll admit that boosted my ego a little and I was kinda leaning towards going to see Kairo, mainly because I was fuckin horny, I didn't even get a chance to pick though because as we stood outside laughing about the fight that had just taken place, I noticed Quincy pulling up..... Our relationship, was still kinda rocky... once he vented to me about how he was really feeling and the fact that Tarik was the one who was trying to break me and Kairo up we were still working towards getting back to how things use to be but I knew we still had a long way to go before we got there.

"Wassup? What didn't you tell me you were coming over?" I asked Quincy who was sitting behind the wheel watching the last little bits of drama unfold. "Quincy?" I said snapping him out of his daze. "You good?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah... get in we need to talk." He said unlocking the door and I figured it was best to go along and see what was so important that he needed to come over without calling first. "I talked to Tarik... you really need to cut dude off entirely, he's fuckin crazy." Quincy said and I couldn't help but laugh, Tarik was a lot but he definitely wasn't crazy.

"Look you gotta look at it from his position, he's been in love with me forever... it must kill him to see me with Kairo and now Shane.... I must've hurt him and I never wanted that, I'm going to talk to him and see if we can resolve this peacefully." I said wanting to avoid all drama.

"Ka'Jai you can't be that stupid.... one he's the one who planted the idea in my head to fuck with you and Kairo's relationship. Not that I needed help but he still played a role in that situation, he doesn't want peace and if I'm being he doesn't even want you..." Quincy said. "Look you didn't hear this from me, but Tarik came to see me the other night... he was trying to manipulate me the way he use to...."

"Suckin ya dick?" I asked and laughed at the sheepish expression on Quincy's face. "Come on bro, you gotta be tougher than that, a lil head shouldn't have you that easy to control... STAND UP!!!" I said laughing but Quincy didn't seem amused by my joke. "Aight so what happened when Tarik came to visit?" I asked wanting to get back on track.

"Well, I got some good news and bad news.... The good news is he's off your dick, the bad news is his new target could cause some more drama in your house." Quincy said and I sat there trying to figure out who the fuck he was talking about. "While Tarik was in the bathroom washing the nut off his face I was going through his phone... this nigga has a whole folder dedicated to that nigga Piru." Quincy said.

"Man get out of here... really Piru?" I asked slightly confused, I mean I know there are some people who may find Piru attractive but to me... he was slightly above average, good dude, coo as fuck, but definitely not my type.... maybe he was Tarik's type, I just don't see the appeal, obviously, it was something that has Marcelino, Ziggy, and now Tarik going crazy.

"You created that monster.... you gotta deal with him, now how you go about doing that is your business but I would punt.... Basically what I'm saying is let Twin know and let him handle it, that way your hands are clean." Quincy said.

"I'll talk to Tarik, maybe he's just going through his hoe-phase, maybe he's preparing for a hot girl summer or whatever.... If anyone can get through to him it's me.... sometimes you don't know what a person is going through and it's best to just be a shoulder they can lean on...." I said and Quincy shook his head as if he were disappointed.

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