Shooter 38

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I loved Fridays, whether it be a home game or an away game there was just something about the vibe of the school that was unmatched, maybe it had something to do with it be the day before the weekend, or maybe it had something to do with the bond I shared with my brothers as we walked the halls wearing out letterman jackets. Whatever the case may be I had my own reasons for being excited and that was the goofy ass dude who had been avoiding me this entire week.... now I was tempted to be waiting by his locker on some Bishop from Juice type shyt but I knew Nayquinn needed some space and he had to come to me willingly but that didn't mean I couldn't help the process speed up a little. I walked into my classroom and saw this dude named.... it really didn't matter what his name was because he was just a pawn in my little game, I sat at the desk next to him and he looked at me and smiled, I couldn't tell you half the shyt I said to him probably my usually BS whenever I wanted to gas a niggas head up but I got the reaction I wanted because Nayquinn kept glancing in my direction and I could tell he was pissed. After class, I walked out into the hall and I could tell by the cadence of the footsteps behind me that Nayquinn was right on my heels.

"You trying to be funny Amari?" Nayquinn said dragging me into the bathroom and I almost laughed because he must've been really pissed because he didn't even check to make sure if anyone else was in here.

"Whatchu talking about bruh? I wasn't doing shyt besides talking to my boy..... and it's not like you care, we haven't spoken since that day at my house when you were crying and shyt so I figured you were in your feelings." I said laughing as the bell rang in the distance. "I gotta go.... do better bruh." I said starting to walk out but he grabbed my arm and stopped me. "You know I like that rough shyt." I said and he quickly let me go.

"Nigga I wasn't crying..... and even if I was you better not tell anyone or else I'll fuck you up." Nayquinn said menacingly.

"You coming to the game tonight?" I asked looking in his eyes and he looked at me wondering what I was getting at. "You know what, I don't even know why I'm asking, of course, you're going to be there.... we'll talk after the game." I said glancing down for a second and saw his dick was rock hard. "You want me to take care of that for you?" I asked pointing to his dick and he seemed to just now notice his dick was hard.

"Amari chill out....." Nayquinn said taking a step back, but I decided to make him suffer a little, partly because he had been avoiding me all week and mainly because I was a freak. I stepped towards him and grabbed his dick. "Stop...." Nayquinn said nervously.

"When was the last time you busted a nut..... given how hard you are I can tell it's been over a week, at minimum.  Look we're already late for class so why don't you stop frontin and let me take care of you." I said and Nayquinn looked around and I could see him conceding defeat before he nodded. "Aight follow me....." I said leading him to a janitor's closet that rarely got used.

"We're going to get caught." He said nervously and I nodded which increased his paranoia. "Whatever man you got me here so do what you gotta do so I can get to class." Nayquinn said and I leaned forward to kiss him but he turned his head quickly. "I ain't with that kissing shyt, just suck my dick and leave." Nayquinn said, I looked at him for a second and grabbed his face forcing him to look at me, after thirty seconds of us staring at each other I smiled. "Don't...." He said as I leaned in closer, he turned his head again but not as far as last time.

"Stop thinking about it Nay.... just go with it." I said turning his face back towards me and leaned forward again, this time he didn't resist he just closed his eyes and waited.... right before I kissed him however I stopped, dropped to my knees, and pulled his dick out. Nayquinn had a pretty ass dick I couldn't lie and I wanted nothing more than to taste it but instead I settled or stroking it, forcing beads of cum to form at the head and I could tell he wanted it desperately.

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