Chapter Fifty

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"Jordin.. Please talk to me.. Open up I'm begging you.." Alexander had been standing there for quite awhile now continuously knocking and pleading for her to open the door.

Amity on the other hand, sat on her bed hugging her knees and stared at nothingness. She just wants to be alone, and she's starting to feel numb little by little.

"Jordin.. Please.. I'm sorry.." Alexander's voice was really pleading.

She turned her head towards the door. Part of her wants to open it and let him in and maybe even forgive him. But another part of her is telling her  not to because she was hurt about what he had said to her awhile ago.

"I guess you really won't talk to me, but I know you can hear me. And I'm hoping that this could help." Amity heard Alexander mutter outside the door, afterwards she saw a piece of paper slid underneath it. Alexander must've wrote her a letter or something. She quietly got out of her bed and slowly walked towards the door and picked up the paper. It really is a letter.

"I'll be standing here outside of  your door until you come out and talk to me, Jordin. I'll wait for you to talk to me." She heard him say. Amity sat on the floor and started reading.


I'm not good with words, but I thought I might give it a shot. I know I'm an asshole and that you hate me. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Jordin for not being sensible to your feelings. But you should know that I am just concerned about you. I never want or would never intend to hurt you. I feel like shit right now and I couldn't bear the thought of you hating me. I don't want you to hate me again. And I hate myself for being such an idiot. I want to make it up to you and I'm begging you to please let me. Please.. Give me another chance..


"Xander.." She whispered. It must've been really hard for him to come up with this letter.. She thought. Somehow she was moved and even felt a little guilty, she knew the two of them had some misunderstandings for sometime but it was obvious that Alexander was just really concerned about her. Amity thought of the moments when he's always there to take good care of her and look out for her. It's not something that can be disregarded just because they had a fight now. Amity thought that she could've been a bit more understanding. She's mad because of what happened but Alexander is the only person that she can talk to right now, and instead of giving him the cold shoulder she should make amends.

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