1.2 - Serendipity - Pizza

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After a 20-minute ride in the car, with the radio blasting and all of us singing our lungs out, we got to a small pizzeria. 'I love coming here. It's a small family business pizzeria and the food here is just amazing' Harry said, holding the door for all three of us to enter before he followed us.

'You know, Harry? I thought you'd be taller. Everyone describes you as a big-handed giant but, honestly, I don't see it',

'Well, that's probably because you're taller than most girls, darling. Which I totally like about you, by the way!'

'Thank you' I said quietly, feeling suddenly really warm, which meant I was probably blushing. I tried to hide it, covering my face a little by reaching for the hair tucked behind my right ear to release it. Suddenly, I felt Harry grab my arm before I got to it and leaned in and whispered in my ear 'No need to hide love, you're beautiful'. The butterflies, I haven't felt for years, suddenly woke up in my stomach. I lifted my face up looking at him, and for the first time today, I noticed his piercing green eyes, looking right into mine with the softest, most loving look ever. At this moment, I swear it was as if the whole world stopped existing and it was just me and Harry. After what seemed to be an eternity Niall snapped us out of our moment and asked what everyone is ordering.

'While we wait for the food to get here why don't you tell us more about you? Like How do you two know each other' Niall asked focusing his looks on Katie, which made me happy as I was a bit worried about dragging her with me although I know how much of a One Direction's fan she is and how she thinks they're like 'super hot' or whatever, and she seemed to be enjoying herself flirting with Niall I was probably overthinking as usual.

'Oh, I love this story! So it was two years ago towards the end of September, I was doing my weekly shopping and I saw Cassie looking around in the store and looked in distress. And being a fashion blogger I take it as my personal mission to help people in struggling to find their look. As I found out later, she moved to London back in April from a very warm country and she didn't have winter clothes and it was starting to get very cold. I helped her get all she needed and I learned that she runs a blog like me except hers is about series and movies and we decided to do a collab. We wrote an article that was published in both blogs about fashion in series and after that, it became a monthly review and we became best friends. It also helped a lot that we live in the same area and go to the same pub regularly. She didn't have anyone, poor thing, so she met my friends and became part of the group. We have our own F.R.I.E.N.D.S thing going on.'

'So in this scenario who's who? Like which character of F.R.I.E.N.D.S are you?' Harry asked.

'Katie is definitely the female version of Joey!'

'You know it!' Katie said winking at Niall.

'What about you Cassie?' he asked again.

'Hmm well I'm not sure when I was younger I used to relate a lot to Rachel, I still do but I definitely have the cleaning and organising skills of Monica and am slightly as crazy and weird as Phoebe'

'Perfect combination! I'd like to think of myself as an improved version of Chandler being slightly less awkward than he is' Harry exclaimed.

'Yeah I can see that, definitely same sense of humour and love for lame jokes' I said teasing him.

'Hey my jokes are not lame they're hilarious!' he said pouting and looking at me like a sad puppy.

'Whatever makes you sleep at night' I replied with a smile to not offend him too much.

We finished eating, Harry insisted on paying even though we tried to convince them it's not necessary. Then Niall suggested we go on a walk and go for ice cream as the weather was getting hotter and the sun is still high in the sky.

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