2.7 - Spotlight - Goodbye

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Time flew by quickly the last two days of our vacation in L.A. and before we knew it we were in the airport waiting to board the plane.

'You didn't need to come all the way here Harry, you have that meeting in less than 30 minutes you'll be late!'

'I can't miss 5 more extra minutes with you! I'm not even sure when I'll be seeing you again!'

He took me in his arms abruptly but gently and held me tight as if he was worried that when he'll let go I'll fly away forever.

'I'm going to miss you so much, Cassie!' he whispered into my ear with a raspy voice sending shivers down my spine. 'I'll miss you too Harry!' I push him away for a second only to put my arm around his neck pulling him into what could be our last kiss. At this point, I couldn't care less about the people taking pictures of our intimate moment, all I could think about is how this could be the last time I see the most amazing human being I've ever met.

'Come on Cassie, time to board!' Katie sighed knowing how hard this is for me.

'Goodbye Harry!' I sobbed.

'This is not goodbye. I'll be seeing you again Cas'. I'll make sure of it!'

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