Chapter Nine: Joy - Trip

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The next day, we all met around 8 in the morning at my flat and we started our trip. Harry was driving, me sitting next to him and the two lovebirds who could barely keep their hands to themselves were busy in the back. As usual, music was blasting from the radio and everyone was singing and enjoying the long ride. After two hours, we arrived at our first destination, a forest near Southampton. We walked around for a while, Harry and I in the front and Niall and Katie trailing behind us hand in hand.

'They're so adorable aren't they?' he admired.

'Yeah, it's so weird seeing this side of Katie. Never thought she has this cute side. She was always the playful flirty one.'

'Yeah, I guess being in love changes people.'

'Yeah, maybe it does. Or maybe it just brings out something that was hidden away.'

'That too!' He paused and then said, 'Look, Cas', we got so busy on set that we actually didn't get the chance to talk about what happened last weekend when I called you. I'm sorry about what happened. Actually, no... I'm not sorry I said it. Because it's true, it just came out spontaneously, I didn't exactly plan to say it or thought it through. I guess I'm saying sorry because I just don't want you to feel pressured, like you have to say it back or that I'm expecting us to get back together. I'm perfectly fine with us being just friends. I love hanging out with you. I mean sure there are certain things that we don't do anymore and I kinda miss them. But that doesn't mean that I'm not capable of being "just friends" with you. If that's what you want, I'm totally okay with it.'

'Thank you.'

'Really? That's it? Thank you?' He complained.

'What am I supposed to say, Harry? I don't know what I should say!'

'Tell me how do you feel about me. You're a writer! I'm sure you're perfectly capable of finding the right words to express yourself.'

'Everything I have to say is already in that book.'

He opened his backpack and got a book out, 'Show me then.' He said firmly.

'What? Why do you have that with you?'

'Just in case. Now don't change the subject! Show me!'

I took his copy of my book from him, flipped through the pages towards the end. And then handing him the book indicating the passage.

'No, you read it.'

'Fine!' I huffed looking back at the book, took a deep breath and then I started reading.

'There's a lot of words that can be chosen to express how I feel about you. But none of them can pinpoint it exactly. There are no words, no sentences, no metaphors that can describe accurately how much I feel about you. When I'm with you, the world stops existing. When I look into your eyes, I see your beautiful soul. When I hug you, it feels like we're one person. And when we kiss,' I paused, before choking on the last few words, 'And when we kiss, there's not enough words and not enough languages to tell you how much I love you, Harry Edward Styles.'

He quickly took the book away, throwing it on the bench next to us, as he pushed me into his arms, wrapping mine around his waist. He put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me into an intense kiss. After letting my face go, he held my head against him, letting a few tears, both mine and his, drop on my cheek.

'Why do you keep crying when you think of your feelings for me? That's the second time it happened, maybe. Why?' He asked concerned and looking sad.

'I'm sorry. It's just I get so overwhelmed. I never felt as strongly for someone as I do you. It's scary and it's overwhelming and sometimes the only way to deal with that is through tears.'

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