1.5 - Serendipity - Aftermath

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The next morning I woke up at the sound of Katie opening and closing the front door.

'Did you just get back from yesterday night?' she nodded and I sighed and shook my head in slight disapproval.

'What? You don't seriously think just because it's Niall that I won't do what I always do, behave and pretend I'm the goody two shoes you are?'

'Breakfast?', I said changing the subject.

'Yeah, I got us some coffee and doughnuts. So... How was last night?'

'You first, how was the party? Who did you see? How many times did you totally lose your mind fangirling at all the famous people there?'

She laughed and then answered, 'No don't worry. I totally kept my cool, didn't want to embarrass Niall. But OMG!! I saw that Jamie actor guy from those movies you didn't want to watch? He is so much hotter in real life! Cassie, there were so many famous people it's so weird to see them like they are real people like you and me. Oh and I danced with the girls from that new band they're so sweet!'

'And what happened after the party?'

'Well we both had one too many and I ended up at his place. We talked a lot while sobering up. Which is new for me I usually don't try to get to know the guys I'm with for a short time, but it's Niall, he's different.'

'Different how?' I said shocked since in the two years I knew Katie she was never serious about any guy she meets. It's not that she liked to objectify men or had a fear of commitment. It's just with what she does and the occasional modelling gigs she does, she could already anticipate all the problems and arguments that will make any relationship with her difficult. She's a very independent woman and sure jealousy can be cute at first but eventually, it always ended up being an obstacle that is not worth going through for the sake of the relationship. But I always told her when the right guy comes he'll be understanding and she shouldn't give up like that, even though, ironically, I did give up.

'Different as in totally boyfriend material. But that doesn't change anything, we're leaving in less than a week and that would be the end of it. It's just a summer fling. He was very understanding especially since he's leaving for the tour soon and we wouldn't be able to see each other anyway so what's the point in starting something if we can't go through with it properly'

'Yeah you're right' I sighed thinking of how I'm going to have to leave Harry behind when we go back to London.

'So... What about your night?'

I caught her up with my night, not leaving any details behind about the dinner, the driving around, the stargazing and most importantly the kiss.

'Uh-oh!' she gasped and I looked at her confused waiting for her to explain her reaction.

'You have that look in your eyes, they're sparkling! OMG Cassie Amelia Miller, you are totally smitten!'

'How dare you! Am not!' I shouted, then after a couple of seconds I whispered 'okay maybe I am falling' she shrieked hugging me jumping up and down in excitement.

'What are you so happy about? Aren't we leaving them behind in less than a week?'

'Yeah but my baby is growing up, you're no longer a cold robot who can't feel love anymore! I'm so proud of you!' she jokingly sobbed.

I laughed and then mumbled ' doesn't make it easier'

'Meh we'll deal with that later right now we need to change and go sightseeing'.

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