Chapter Five: Rewards - Barcelona

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After all the crazy sudden changes over the last two months, Alex and I needed to get away and relax and just be together just the two of us, away from the internet and the rumours and the fighting. Consequently, on our 2-months-versary thing, we decided to take a trip to Barcelona, so that I could tick off one of the cities on my to-visit list.

One afternoon, after all the sightseeing, we decided to just walk around the streets of Barcelona, enjoying the chilled weather of late October. After a comfortable silence, Alex proposes a little game to keep the conversation flowing.

'It's easy you'll pick it up as we go, you just have to pick 3 things according to the situation I give you. And then we switch. Name 3 objects you own that are the most valuable.'

'My phone, I mean I can definitely spend an entire day without it, I've done it many times in the past. But you know, my work is on it and I use it to talk to my friends so it's very handy. The second object would be my teddy bear Charlie, it was a gift from my cousin Rose, and I took it with me when I moved to France years ago and I took it with me when I moved here. It probably seems childish but he helps me fall asleep, plus he's my cousin's, and she's my best friend and I almost never see her in real life so it's like a part of her is with me. I'm very attached to him. The third is gonna have to be this bracelet. I bought it when Katie and I were in L.A. Going there... It wasn't just fun. It changed something in me. For the first time in a while, I felt like I was capable to achieve something. We've been talking about making this trip for years and that's all it was, just talks. But we did it and it was nothing we expected. So this bracelet is a reminder that I can actually achieve anything I sent my mind to. What about you?'

'Hmm, this watch, it was a gift from my father, He's one of the most accomplished men I've ever met, so this reminder of him inspires me to be as successful as he is. Then there's my car. It's the first thing I bought from my savings and It's getting old and I've fixed it so many times, but I can't seem to separate myself from it. And the third item is gonna have to be the journal you got me on my birthday, it's so unique just like you, I love it!'

'Aww, glad you do hun!'

We continued playing and talking and walking till the sun sets and on our way to the restaurant we were having dinner at, he asked me.

'I know we weren't supposed to discuss work but can I ask you something?'

'Yes, of course, go ahead.'

'Now that your book is almost done, What are you planning to do?'

'Well, I did finish my second draft before we came here. I just need to read it again, fix the typos and the grammar mistakes I find, then I'll send it to editors and publishers and hope for the best.'

'And if some publishers picked it up and decide to sell it? What happens then?'

'Well I don't know it's my first book so I'm not sure. But if it does well, I'm really hoping Hollywood would want to turn it into a movie.'

'So you want to become famous...'

'Well no, I don't do it for recognition. I do it because I want to share my experiences with people. Growing up I read a lot of books and to this day I watch a lot of movies. Each one has touched me in a different way, inspired me to do certain things, taught me about others. I want to be able to do that for other people, get them to feel certain emotions because of some words I wrote, teach them valuable lessons I learned and that a lot of people actually need. That is why I write and that is why I want to publish the book. I don't care about fame, I actually am dreading the fame part of it all. But if what I'm doing changes the life of at least one random person I've never met then it's all worth it.'

Alex is a very good listener, but at that moment, he was unusually silent, he just nodded.

'What's wrong Alex? What are you thinking about? Talk to me!'

'I'm just worried...'

'About?' I asked concerned.

'Look I support you and everything. And I'm pretty sure your book is gonna be published and everyone is gonna read it and it's gonna turn into a movie and all your dreams will become real.-'

'But?' I interrupted him waiting for the bad part taking his mind away from enjoying this nice night together.

'But, I'm worried about us after you become famous. What if we don't make it?'

'Why wouldn't we?'

'You know exactly why, you thought the exact same thing back in July when you were running around with you know who'

I roll my eyes at his childishness, he can't even he say his name, as if it's cursed.

'It's not the same!' I snapped.

'How is it not the same?'

'I don't know, it just is!' I hesitated now finding the words to reassure him like I usually do.

After a couple of seconds staring at each other, I said, 'Look, honestly I don't know what the future has in store for us. We'll get to it eventually, and we'll know what's the right thing to do then. But for now, all I know is that I want to be with you. Is that good enough for you?'

He thought about it and then nodded as his facial expression turned back into the happy peaceful Alex I'm used to.

At this point, I was very torn, I was convinced that I like Alex and that I wanted to be with him. But if he continued with that attitude, I wasn't sure if it was gonna last as long as I hoped it would. As soon as we returned to London, I had to go see Katie.

'Why can't he believe me when I tell him I only want to be with him? I've said it a million times in the last month alone. He doesn't believe me! I'm getting sick of it! What can I do to make him believe that?' I asked frantically.

'He's just scared of losing you! Can you blame him? You're amazing! Plus look how many famous people showed interest in you in the last 4 months alone, Harry, Anthony And Tristan!'

'Oh come on! Anthony is flirty like that with everyone! He treats me the exact same way as he treats you! And Tristan! We're just friends!' I argued.

'Fine I'll give you Anthony he is flirty with everyone. But you totally had a connection with Tristan! Did you see the kissing scenes you guys did for the movie?'

'It's called good acting!' I defended.

'I mean yeah sure you're both great actors. But what you called acting, I call chemistry!' she teased.

'What are you going on about? For the last time, there's nothing between me and Tristan other than pure platonic friendship!'

'Maybe but it doesn't ease Alex's fears.'

'Well, what am I supposed to do? Not work? Stay at home forever so I wouldn't meet anyone who might be interested in me just because I have a boyfriend? This is ridiculous. He needs to get over it soon! I don't know how much more I can take of this charade.'

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