4.3 - Uphill - Meeting

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The deadline for the "Looking for a Rose" script was approaching fast and I was barely halfway done. With all the changes happening around me, quitting my old job, catching up on all the things I missed with the blog, writing my book and all those extra gigs that just happened to come around, my organisational skills were seriously lacking. But miraculously, I was able to finish it just in time for my meeting with Anthony.

He read through it silently, skipping over some pages.

'Looks good enough! What about the designs? Do we have at least some prototypes?' He asked.

'Yeah, Sam and Katie should be here any second... It's weird they're usually very punctual, something must've happened.' As soon as I finished my sentence the two girls showed up.

'Hey! Sorry, we're late!' Katie apologized, while Sam greeted Anthony with a handshake.

After ordering some coffee and sitting next to us, Sam grabbed her binder and started showing her ideas to Anthony.

'I'm loving the designs, you're very talented. But, and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't have any accurate information about the fashion of the past, wouldn't it be more appropriate if the colours were darker shades?'

'It's totally feasible, it just depends on which vibes your going with. We can do light shades when it's a happy love scene and darker shades on the sadder moments.' Sam suggested.

'Sounds great! Alright, ladies here's the schedule. We're going to do the auditions this week, Cassie I want you to be there, I need your opinions. Shooting starts next week and will last around 4 weeks. Katie and Sam, start preparing the costumes, as soon as our cast is ready my assistant will send you all the information you need. I'm gonna need you to be there during the shooting, all three of you. Will that be a problem?'

'No, not at all!' We all approved.

The next day, casting for the leading man started. They were a hundred of guys in the waiting room. There were a lot of new faces, and a few familiar ones. The casting was a tough process since there's barely any supporting characters to the leading couple. There were a lot of talented people passing through, but we had to choose one.

'I don't know Anthony, there was a lot of great guys, but I didn't see anyone I can picture as the leading man, they're just too different. I didn't see anyone who fit perfectly yet.'

'Yeah me neither, let's see who's next.' he agreed and waved at the assistant at the door letting her know to enter the next guy on the list. A very familiar face came in the room, owning it completely. The average height, brown-haired actor I've enjoyed watching over the last few years, notably in that iconic superhero that's been rebooted too many times, was standing right in front of us, a smile on his face introducing himself as if we didn't know exactly who he is.

'Hello! My name is Tristan Hayes, I'm here to audition for the lead.'

'Hello, Tristan! Why don't you start on the scene page 14 on the script! Cassie would you mind reading the lines of the leading lady with him.' Anthony suggested and I agreed.

After reading the lines and acting out the scene we were all convinced that Tristan aced it. But we still needed to find the leading lady.

'Are you sure you don't want to do it? You had fun yesterday acting with Tristan. And you fit the role perfectly.' Anthony encouraged me.

'I'm sure we'll meet girls tomorrow who are good enough for the role. Besides, for an independent movie, a new face for the leading lady is not a smart move. We need someone famous to help the movie make it.' I argued.

'I see why you would say that, but with Tristan's and my name on that poster, it'll do just fine. Come on, you'll have fun. And when I called Tristan to tell him he got it, he personally asked for you as his costar. We can't lose Tristan, you don't really have a choice here.'

'Alright! I'll do it!' I caved.

The next few weeks were the most fun I've had in a while. I never thought acting was actually something I'd enjoy. And After the few first takes, I started getting used to being in front of the cameras. Tristan was very easy to work with, he's a very cheerful person, and very attentive and caring, he helped me where I had trouble, and gave me a few tips, being the professional between the two of us. Alex, on the other hand, wasn't very fond of Tristan.

'So Cassie, is there gonna be any kissing scene between your character and his?' Alex asked bothered.

'Well, it's a love story so yeah there will be kissing scenes. But it's just acting, it doesn't mean anything' I tried to reassure him but it wasn't working.

'I'm not sure, I'm comfortable with it. Can't you just get a body double or something?'

'For a kiss? It's not worth it! I don't get it, why are you making a big deal out of it!'

'Is it really a big deal that I don't want you kissing some other guy? Especially someone as good looking as Tristan? I don't want you to do it, Cassie!'

'What? You don't get to tell me what I can and can't do! If it bothers you so much you can just leave! I'm doing this, with or without your support.' I snapped. He just stood there staring at me and then said, 'I'm sorry, I don't want to leave, I don't want to end this, not over that at least. You can do whatever you want and I'll support you. I'm sorry I let it get between us. It won't happen again.'

'Alright. I gotta go now they're calling me I'll see you tomorrow, lunch date?'

'Of course, bye!'

I went back to set and ran into Tristan. He looked at me concerned,

'Cassie! What's wrong? You have tears in your eyes!'

'Just a little fight with my boyfriend about the movie. It's all good now. But I'm starting to doubt whether or not our relationship is going to survive all this. If the movie made it and I published my book and people actually like it, I'll become famous, which I hate but at least I'll be inspiring people, which is worth it I guess. I'm not sure we can make it then.' I sobbed. He took me in his arm, consoling me with a hug and comforted me with his words, 'Calm down Cassie. I can't lie to you, it is tough, I've been there. But let me tell you this. If he has a problem with all of that, then he's simply not the one. And definitely not worth your tears. Now let's get you cleaned up and fix your makeup to finish shooting for today and then I'll take you out for ice cream. Sounds good?' I nodded and we carried on with our day.

The weeks passed and we wrapped all of the shooting for the movie but not before I got an exclusive interview from Tristan for my blog. Thankfully he was happy to help.

'Thank you, Tristan, for everything!'

'It was my absolute pleasure, Cassie! I really hope I get to see you again! You're fun to be around. Alex is a lucky guy. And don't forget what I told you.'

'I won't! Alright, I need to get going now. But I'll be seeing you again! Bye' I hugged him before I left.

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