7.3 - Back - Fight

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The day after my birthday party was very difficult. I woke up to the sound of my phone blowing up with notifications from social media. Rumours were running everywhere, with a variation of headlines.

Author Cassie Miller celebrated her 25th birthday in a club in L.A. with friends including actor Tristan Hayes and the One Direction boys, including, rumoured love interested Harry Styles. Miller was seen cosying up to Styles alone in a booth at the back of the VIP section.

Cassie Miller and Harry Styles were spotted in a club in L.A. Is she cheating on her boyfriend?

Newly published author Cassie Miller already making her way through A-Listers, She was spotted in a club in L.A. partying with actor Tristan Hayes and his friends in addition to the boys of One Direction including Harry Styles who was previously linked with Miller.

I kept reading through the headlines throwing my phone on the bed.

'Can't I just have friends without anyone calling me names! This is outrageous!' I yelled at no one, being alone in my hotel room.

I quickly changed and went to Alex's room to make sure he's okay. I knocked on the door and soon enough he let me in without even saying hello.

'So I'm guessing you read what they're saying.' He nodded.

'You know none of what they're saying is true.' I cautioned.

'Oh, so you didn't see Harry multiple times in the last two weeks? You didn't see him when you went to his concert? You didn't see him backstage after your interview? You weren't with him yesterday at the club? You never talked? He didn't hold your hand or hugged you? He's not the one who gave you the necklace you don't seem to take off anymore, is he?' He yelled

'Okay yes! That's true! But nothing happened! I would never cheat on you! You know that!'

'Cheating isn't only by kissing or physical intimacy. It's feelings and emotions. Are you seriously telling me you weren't happy to see him? Your heart didn't skip a beat when he hugged you? Did you tell him you missed him, or maybe you even told him you love him, maybe that's why you could never say it to me. Because you don't love me, you love him! Don't tell me you didn't cheat, Cassie, when deep down you'd rather be with him than with me!'

'Alex, you're being crazy! You're the only person I want to be with!' I yelled back.

He chuckled, 'Yeah right! If I walked away right now, how long would it take for you two to get together?'

'I don't want to be with him! Nothing has changed!' I cried.

'Everything has changed! You're famous now! Everyone wants to be with you! Even that Tristan guy you keep saying he's your friend!'

'Keep Tristan out of it, he has nothing to do with that! We ARE just friends! This isn't about him, it's not even about Harry! It's about you, not being able to handle my success. I never asked to be famous! I just wanted people to read my book! You already knew what you were getting yourself into! We talked about it right from the start! Did you forget about that? What happened to the understanding Alex who didn't care about rumours because he knew they weren't true! What happened to the guy who cared about me and made me happy?'

'It used to be just the two of us. Now it's you, your world and then me!' He snapped.

'No it's not! You were the one who was being distant lately! I just figured I give you your space while you deal with whatever problem you have because I didn't want to fight. You're one of my priorities! It's still just you and me! My job is not gonna change that! Don't pin this on me when it's you who stopped trying! I don't want us to be fighting, I want us to be happy. But we can't do that if you're not supporting my career! I don't care what anyone says, I don't care what anyone thinks! I've always been like that, you know it! I didn't change I'm still the same person. The person who only wants to be with you! The sooner you get that, the sooner we can put this nonsense behind us.'

'To you, it's nonsense, to me it's not. I can't stand seeing you with him or hear about you two together, even if what they're saying is not true.'

'I can't do anything about what the media writes. But if it makes you feel better, I don't want to see him either, and I told him that repeatedly, I told him that after the interview and I told him that at the party. But we run through similar social circles and we might involuntarily run into each other and I can't' do anything about it. I have to pretend to be at least civil in front of the cameras.'

'It's either him or me, Cassie.' He said harshly

'What? I told you I'm not seeing him on purpose! I can't do anything about accidentally running into him! Why are you doing this?'

'Because I said so!'

'Really that's what you're going with? You don't even have a valid argument!'

'If you truly loved me you don't need a valid argument.'

'I can't believe you're saying this! What, you want me to quit my career and go back to having a desk job I hate? Is that what you want? Because if that's what you want, for me to be miserable, then you don't love me!' I growled.

'Then I guess I don't love you... I'm leaving Cassie. It's over. You can go be with Harry now. Maybe he can make you happy. Have a nice life.'

He stormed out of the room as I fell to my knees crying my eyes out. I went to Katie's room, barely able to stand straight. She let me in quickly and helped me to the bed while I told her everything that happened.

'Calm down sweetie. He doesn't deserve your tears. I know you wanted to try to make it work, but he didn't and that's on him. Stop crying. Please. You'll be fine I promise! Just please calm down.'

'Is this how things are going to be from now on? I meet someone nice and then he leaves me because he can't handle the pressure of being famous?'

'Sweetie, isn't this why you left Harry in the first place?'

'Yeah but we already knew it wouldn't work from the start, it didn't hurt as much as this.'

'You don't know that. Harry was hurt a lot! Niall told you that, you heard his album. He just didn't want to show you he's hurting directly so that you wouldn't feel bad.'

'I don't know, maybe. What do I do now?' Now you get yourself cleaned up, you put some makeup and change, we're going shopping to cheer you up and then you have Ellen at 4 p.m.'

'I completely forgot about The Ellen Show! That's going to be a disaster! After all the rumours! That's all she's gonna ask about!'

'Well we'll go over all the questions she might ask and we'll prepare smart answers to avoid answering them, just like Harry does. We learn from the best no?'

I nodded and changed as we went to downtown L.A. for some shopping before heading to the studio where The Ellen Show is shooting.

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