10.7 - Fast Forward - Premiere

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'Katie come on! We're going to be late!' I yelled at Katie from the end of the hallway to my bedroom where she'd locked herself from the last hours.

'I'm done, I'm coming, relax! We're not late. And if we are, it's called being fashionably late. We look incredible! Beauty takes time!'

'Fine, whatever! The car has been waiting for the past 10 minutes!' I dragged her outside.

We got to the venue where the red carpet event for the premiere of "Looking for a Rose" was being held. I graciously got out of the car, simultaneously cameras started flashing everywhere. My heart started beating faster, anxiety slowly taking over me. Katie, who was then standing next to me, gently squeezed my hand and whispered, 'It's gonna be okay. Deep breaths.'

I took three deep breaths and I went back to smiling, moving along the red carpet, posing for the cameras, just like Harry taught me.

'Will you be okay alone? They're telling me to go stand with the cast so they can take pictures of all of us together.' I asked Katie.

'Yeah, I'm great! Go! Have fun!'

I went to where Tristan was standing. We hugged quickly, as we greeted each other.

'Tristan! Hey! I've missed you so much!'

'Cassie! I've missed you too! And may I say, you look absolutely incredible tonight!' He exclaimed.

'Thank you! You don't look so bad yourself! Loving the grey suit!'

'Hey Tristan, Cassie look over here!' the cameramen shouted.

We posed together, soon joined by the rest of the cast and our director Anthony Taylor.

After a couple of pictures, we heard screams from everyone, people behind the barriers, the media people, even Katie. We all looked to our right, and there they were. All 4 members of One Direction, Liam, Louis, Niall and Harry.

'Anthony, what are they doing here?' I whispered.

'Oh didn't I tell you? They recorded their first come back song as one of the movie's soundtracks. It's going to be playing during the end credits.'

We moved away from the centre of the red carpet, leaving the space for the band. I looked at Harry in awe. They were back together, as one band, after years of being on a break, but they didn't forget what they learned during their solo careers, they stuck to their own personal image. He was wearing one of his weirdest suits yet. And he looked completely stunning in it. Soon enough, they joined us.

Harry hugged me lightly and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

'Sorry I couldn't tell you. It's just management told us that we needed to enter together and that's why I couldn't come with you.'

'Oh, you're totally forgiven! You guys are back together! This is amazing! I'm so happy for you guys!'

'Happy to be back!' Niall exclaimed.

'Niall! It's been so long! I can't believe Katie is keeping you all to herself! By the way, she's here somewhere! Liam! Louis! Always happy to see you!' I greeted the three men with hugs.

More pictures were taken, interviews were held separately, until just before we went inside the cinema. I was in a corner with Harry, catching up my breath, trying to not let the anxiety get the best of me when we were approached by a reporter.

'I'm sorry to interrupt but can we get a quick interview with the both of you?' the interviewer politely asked. Harry and I exchanged looks and agreed.

'So how's your relationship going? You've gone public just before Harry went on tour, and now he's back. Did the long distance affect your relationship in any way?'

'Well, we did miss each other a lot. But we stayed in contact and we tried to travel back and forth as much as we could. But the way we see it, distance only unites us more. Without the difficult moments, we don't get to truly appreciate the happy moments when we're together. We're both very lucky to have each other and we wouldn't have it any other way.' I explained.

'Well, she summed it up perfectly. I don't think there's much to add. I'm very thankful for having her in my life, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.'

'Well thank you both for your comments. We wish you the best!'

'Thank you for having us.' We both said simultaneously before we went to see the movie.

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