7.4 - Back - The Ellen Show

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We went into the studio where one of the crew members led us to my dressing room. While getting ready, Ellen came in.

'Hello, Cassie! How are you today?'

'Hey, Ellen! I'm great! What about you?' I asked back, hoping the makeup artist was able to hide the fact that I was crying my eyes out not 4 hours ago.

'I'm great! Excited for today's show. Are you ready? Not too nervous?'

'I'm always nervous!' I chuckled, 'But I can manage, it wasn't too difficult the first time so I'm okay! Thanks.'

'Great well we're on in 15 minutes. See you then!'

'Are you sure you're okay to do this?' Katie asked concerned after Ellen got out of the room.

'Yes, Katie, I'm fine. Besides, I could use the distraction.'

I waited for my cue and then went into the set waving at the audience with a smile on my face and sat in the chair next to Ellen.

'Hello, Cassie! So how're you doing today? Not too hungover hopefully? It was quite the party yesterday!'

I laughed slightly, 'No I'm good, I'm okay, honestly, It was an awesome party, celebrating my 25th birthday with all of my friends. We're all responsible adults, we stay in control, we don't need alcohol to have fun.'

'That's great to hear. So let's talk a little about your book "Polaris". What made you choose this storyline exactly.'

'Well, I've always wanted to write a book. I love science fiction, but I thought for my first book at least a romance novel would be best. It's more relatable. But I could never come up with a complete idea. Until one day I was just relaxing at home, reading some random short stories on my phone, the idea for the introductory events just popped up in my mind out of nowhere and I got excited about it, so I started brainstorming with my best friend Katie and in less than half an hour I had a complete image in my mind about the whole storyline, and I just continued from there.' I explained.

'And now that you're a successful published author, what changed in your life?' she asked.

'Well things started to changed since before I published "Polaris". I have a blog that has become quite popular thankfully, and I was involved in two movies, so I made connections with famous people and made new friends and now with the book being published and the response has been amazing so far. I had a job I didn't like which I quit a few months ago. But my friends have been very supportive and that's the most important thing. Even if I'm more famous now, I'll always remember where I come from and my friends are always gonna be there for me and I'm always gonna be there for them and it's not something that fame is gonna change. I'm very thankful to everyone in my life who stood by my side.'

'Yeah, it's very important to remember our roots. Now you said you made new famous friends. Actor Tristan Hayes was seen at your birthday party yesterday, how did that happen?'

'Oh, well, we've worked together on a movie a few months back and we've become good friends and we stayed in touch.'

'That's great and what about the One Direction boys? There has been a lot of rumours about you and Harry Styles.'

'I was on a vacation with my best friend here last July, and we ran into Niall and Harry and we hung out once or twice but that's about it. Actually, Niall came to my first book signing event back in London, he's been very supportive he even got all the band to read my book. And I met Louis and Liam during my friend's fashion show. We've all been good friends since then. But that's it.'

'Okay, one more question everyone here is dying to know. Is Cassie Miller single?' she asked curiously.

'Yes.' I said simply with a smile.

'Alright well, there you go! Don't forget to read the new romance novel "Polaris" now available in all the bookstores. Stay tuned for more!'

I thanked Ella for having me and went back to my dressing room to change.

'So, Katie, What did you think?' I asked cautiously.

'You were great! But I honestly didn't think you'd admit to being single.'

'Well, I am, aren't I? Alex and I are over.'

'Well yeah. But I thought we agreed that you won't let Harry know that.'

'I could always say I only said that to protect Alex from the media, he's done that in the past, he'd believe it.' I argued.

'Yeah right! Like you can lie to him!' she chuckled.

'Fine, so I'm single and he knows it. So what? It's not the first time, he didn't do anything about it last time. He won't do anything about it now.'

'Well no it's not the same thing, last time he was trying to move on. But now he knows he's not moving on. So he might try something.'

'Well, he can try. I'm not gonna say yes.'

'Why not!' she whined.

'He was stalking me for who knows how long! That's creepy!' I snapped.

'Well, he was only doing that because he loves you and he's worried about you and he wanted to make sure you're okay.'

'Why are you defending him!'

'Because he might make you happy.'

'Keyword might! You're not even sure!'

'Well, neither are you! Just at least don't make any final decision about you and Harry. I'm sure he'll talk to you this time. Let him!'

'Are you talking to him behind my back?' I badgered her.

'What? No! Of course not! ' she said and then mumbled 'I've been talking to Niall again.'

'Niall? Again? Like last time?'

'I don't know honestly. We didn't really discuss it.'

'Katie? What are you hiding from me? Come on we tell each other everything!' I insisted.

'Well, I might consider, if he asked, being in a relationship with him.'

'OMG! Katie! That's amazing! And Niall really is one of the best out there!'

'Relax, he didn't even ask me yet! He might not even! He's still busy most of the time. I don't wanna keep my hopes up. I'm just saying if it's a possibility, then I won't refuse it.'

'Do you want me to ask him? I'm good friends with him now!' I suggested.

'What? No! That would be very childish!'

'No, it's not! Don't worry about it! You've helped me a lot and you threw the best birthday party ever so, it's the least I can do. ' I reassured her.

'Fine. Work your magic!'

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