1.4 - Serendipity - Night of a Lifetime

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I spent the next day shopping with Katie trying to find the perfect dresses for that night. It was the most unreal and important night of our lives so we needed to look as perfect as possible and we need to impress the guys as much as possible. Having Katie a professional fashion person helped a lot. She picked for me a plain, long, sleeveless black dress that could be both casual and fancy with black heels. She curled my hair and chose a simple makeup since I prefer a natural look than having a ton of makeup on my face. And even I, not the most confident person out there, had to admit I looked beautiful, simple, but beautiful. The clock struck 7:00 pm when Harry arrived to pick me up. 'Surprisingly punctual!' I thought to myself as I went out the door to meet him. As soon as I open the door and saw those captivating green eyes looking at me up and down with amazement, the butterflies in my stomach woke up again. I was at a loss for word as it was hard to believe how the guy in the black suit and blue shirt half open showing parts of the tattoos on his chest, standing in front of me, looking heavenly, is interested in little old me.

'Wow! Cassie, you look amazing! I thought you looked amazing yesterday with the messy beach hair, no makeup and glasses combo, and tonight, you still blow my mind"

I smiled shyly at the ground and then mustered up the courage to actually compliment him back for once, 'Thank you, Harry! You don't look too bad yourself!' I said flashing him with a confident smile. 'So where are we going?'

'Well dinner first, because food is the most important thing ever! And I noticed from yesterday you love eating, I mean I respect people who try to eat healthily and stick to a salad but honestly girls who love eating are the most beautiful!'

'You found the perfect girl then!' I said with a wink.

'Seems to be that way, yeah!' he said smiling at me with his famous dimple showing. Usually, I try to avoid things that people go crazy over like certain movies, or features like coloured eyes and dimples, but looking at his green eyes and his adorable dimple, I just can't help but admire them. He is truly something special.

We drove around for a while until he pulled up and parked at a 5 stars restaurant.

'Wow, Harry! This is too fancy and expensive! You really don't have too, I'm perfectly satisfied with a regular restaurant with a plain burger and fries!'

'I know, I noticed', he chuckled and then continued with a serious face, 'That's one of the things I love about you, but I also like spoiling you and showing a good time. Plus, you're here on this trip for an adventure, to try things you'd never do right?' I nodded smiling silently as the hostess showed us to our table. He pulled my chair and let me sit first after he went round and sat in front of me, like a true gentleman. I smiled at his gesture thanking him and then said 'And people say chivalry is dead', 'Well they obviously haven't met me!' he said smirking.

We ordered and while waiting for the food to come out Harry started telling me a bunch of his lame jokes he loves so much. It's so adorable how he genuinely laughed at his own jokes and I did the same because honestly, I think lame jokes are funny.

He paused and stared at me while I was still laughing at his knock-knock jokes. 'What are you staring at?'

He took a moment studying my face before he replied, 'I just love your laugh, and I think you have the most intriguingly beautiful smile ever'

'Intriguing?' I asked.

'I just have the feeling that you've been unhappy for so long that you actually forgot how to be happy. And then there's a rare moment where something good happens and you're happy again, for a very brief moment, but it fades away too quickly. Your smile is like a jewel, it has been under so much pressure over a very long time, and now it has become something so rare and beautiful', he paused looking into my teary eyes and then continued 'I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories...'

'No it's okay, I just got a bit emotional. Thank you for saying those kind words they mean a lot to me. No wonder you're an amazing lyricist, you find the best metaphors for the best moments' I slightly smiled saying that and then more seriously I continued, 'And yeah I've had a somewhat rough life so far and I think I'm beginning to find my way now, which is good.'

'That's great, I'm so happy to hear that!'

We finished eating and got back to the car. 'Where to now?' I asked curiously.

'Now we're going up'


'We're driving up the hills for some stargazing! What do you think?'

'Sounds amazing can't wait! Can I turn on the radio?'

'Of course! I enjoyed singing with you yesterday while we were in the car!'

When we got there, he took a picnic basket out of the back seat, he laid a sheet of the floor for us to sit on and then took out a bottle of wine with two glasses.

'To the first of many amazing nights to come!' he said as we clink our glasses together.

We talked a lot that night, about our past and our plans for our futures, but for some reason I chose not to share with him my plans to finish writing the book I started a few months ago and to publish it, as I felt he might try to help me with his connections and I just needed to prove to myself and everyone around me that I can make it without any favours from anyone.

I still remember that night like it was yesterday. I remember the stars that were shining in the night sky, I remember all the different shapes they drew together. I remember how fast my heart was beating when Harry told me 'I want to be the one who brings the happiness back into your life, I want to be the reason that beautiful smile of yours never leaves your face for too long. I can make you happy again Cassie. If you just let me, I'll make you the happiest person on earth. Well, second happiest because seeing you happy makes me the happiest person on earth.' I remember how warm I felt when he was leaning in, and how I didn't even notice how long I held my breath as our faces were getting closer and closer until our lips connected fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle. I remember the electricity that drove around my entire body intensifying our first kiss. At that moment, the whole space-time continuum vanished, it was just me and Harry, connecting physically, emotionally and spiritually, becoming one.  

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