3.3 - Home - Movie Night

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The following week was our group's annual Movies night. We'd choose 3 movies, an action-filled science-fiction movie, a drama, and ending with a romantic comedy. As the credits to the first movie of the night roll, Katie turned to me and asked, 'Seeing Alex again tomorrow?'

'Yeah, we're gonna spend the day together.'

'An entire day? Dare I say things are getting serious?'

'I think so, yeah...'

'Hesitating?' Noah asked.

'Well, I don't know... Maybe... It feels too... Easy? Don't get me wrong I like spending time with him and he's a very nice guy, we have a lot in common, and I can see a future between us. It's just not challenging enough. I just can't help thinking eventually one of us is gonna get bored of the other.'

The movie ended and the T.V automatically switched back to a local channel.

Harry Styles was seen out and about for the first time since the rumours about him dating a mystery girl a months ago. His new album is set to be released at the end of this month on the 23rd of August, followed by a tour starting in the U.S and wrapping up 3 months later right here in London!

'So he never contacted you since then?' Noah asked while Katie rushed to the remote to turn the T.V. off.

'No calls, No text. Nothing!' I shrugged.

'Maybe he got busy with his album...' Sam suggested.

'I honestly don't care. I'm the one who left him no? I'd rather think he's moved on then to wait to see if he'll keep his promise and talk to me'

'So will you go to his concert when he comes here?' Katie pleaded, knowing her, she's only asking because she's dying to go. No matter what happened between me and Harry, she's still a fan and wouldn't miss his concert.

'It's months away! That's like another world!' I hissed not wanting to think about it anymore.

'Alright! No need to make a fuss!'

We put the second movie in and halfway through I got bored so I checked my phone only to find a text from an unknown number. Hello gorgeous, it's Anthony. Listen, I'm in London and I was wondering if we could meet over a cup of coffee. I have a project in mind that I would like to run by you. I texted back agreeing and setting up a place and time.

When the time came, we met in a local coffee shop.

'Hello, Cassie! It's so nice to see you again!' Anthony greeted me with a hug.

'It's always nice to see you, Anthony! What have you been up to lately?'

'Straight to business then? Alright! So I'm directing a new movie, it's an independent project so I need a lot of help, and I thought of you. Are you up to it?'

I looked at him sceptically asked, 'What would I be doing exactly?'

'Relax you don't need to be on camera if you don't want to, although I highly encourage you to do so! I actually need help writing the script, we're doing an adaptation for a book called "Looking for a Rose", it's this intriguing love story and it involves different time periods. Additionally, I was hoping you could get your friend Katie to help with the costumes and if you knew a designer you'd be a lifesaver!'

'I love that book! I read it twice in the last year! And well, I am your lifesaver! My friend is a designer. I'll talk to Katie and Sam and get back to you as soon as possible! Now, THIS could be fun!'

That night, I was hanging out with the group in the pub as usual and I mentioned my meeting with Anthony.

'So he wants me to write the script and he wants Katie to be in charge of the costumes since it involves the fashion of the past, and I told him Sam could also help make the costumes. What do you think girls?' I explained.

'Yeah! That sounds amazing when do we start?' They agreed excitedly.

'Well, I'm going to start writing the script as soon as possible since the casting is in two weeks so it needs to be ready by then. Shooting starts in a month, so everything needs to be ready by then.'

'Can you finish writing the entire script in two weeks?' Noah asked concerned.

'Actually, I've talked to my boss, I switched to part-time, I only have to go in 3 days a week and I'm training a new employee so that he can replace me when I need to quit.'

'You're finally quitting??' everyone asked eagerly.

'I've given my month's notice! And I'm looking for offices to set up a real workplace for the blog.'

'Cassie that's wonderful! Congratulations!', they cheered.

'Thanks, everyone! I Couldn't have done it without you! I love you all!' 

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