3.6 - Home - Secrets

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I saw Alex the next day on our usual lunch date and I was nervous thinking of the best way to tell him about what happened with Harry.

'So wanna tell me about your outburst yesterday? I honestly am completely confused. I thought you'd be happy knowing that even famous people read your blog and tell their fans to do as well. That's a great business opportunity. But instead, you got mad and left.'

'There's actually something that I haven't told you. But I should've?'

'Okay...? I mean I know we don't know each other's complete history and it's fine. But it sounds like you've been hiding something from me. I'm not sure how I feel about that. What is it?'

I cautiously proceeded with telling him about my vacation in L.A. summer. He sat there silently taking all the information in.

'You're being awfully quiet.' I sighed.

'What do you want me to say? A famous good looking guy is trying to gain the attention of my girlfriend who used to have a thing for him.'

'Your girlfriend?' I gasped.

'Well yeah... we've been seeing each other for a little less than a month, don't you think you are?'

'I don't know I guess we never discussed it before... I wasn't sure...'

'Well do you want to be?' he pleaded.

'Yes, Alex, I do. I don't want to be with anyone other than you. You never have to worry about anyone else, especially not Harry. I just thought you should hear it from me before it's all over the internet.'

'Thank you for telling me. How was I supposed to protect you from this if I didn't know the truth?'

'Thanks sweetie, but I don't need your protection. I can take care of myself.' I protested.

He laughed at my sudden sassiness and replied, 'I know you don't need it, doesn't mean I won't do it. '

'So we're okay?' I asked.

'We're more than okay!' he assured me as he pulled me into his arms, wrapping mine around his neck, putting his hand gently on my cheek, leaned in and kissed me passionately.

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