2.6 - Spotlight - Homemade

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The next morning I saw Katie again. I felt bad about our fight the previous night and had to fix it.

'Look, Katie, I'm sorry things got a little crazy yesterday. I know you're just looking out for me and I love you for it. I talked to Harry yesterday. He knows now. And he's still around for some reason. I don't wanna fight with you anymore can we be okay again?' I pleaded, giving her my best sad puppy eyes.

'How can I say no to this face!' she sighed hugging me.

'What have you been up to while I was with Harry btw?'

'Oh, I just did a bar crawl, met a guy actually, seeing him again tonight!'

'What? What about Niall?'

'What about him? He's great and everything but I was perfectly clear with him from the start, I'm not a relationship person... Besides he's not looking for anything serious right now he's too busy with his music.'

'Fair enough...'

Later that day I went to Harry's to find him shuffling around in the kitchen.

'Smells really good in here! What are you cooking?'

'We'll be starting with the grilled orange chicken skewers with jalapeño-mint yoghurt dip for the entree, followed by the main course which would be a plate of delicious Italian Penne all'arrabbiata, ending with the best Fondant Au Chocolat you've ever tasted'

'So grilled chicken and tomato pasta? That's... Easy!' I tease biting back a laugh.

'Hey! I've been in the kitchen for the past 4 hours! Don't diss the food!'

'I'm just teasing you relax! I'm sure it'll be delicious! Did you really cook all that? Including the desert?'

'Yes! I'd never lie to you!'

'Even the fondant? That is very impressive!'

'I'd do anything to make you happy. Besides, I used to work in a bakery!' He grinned, setting the table, lighting candles, turning the music on the turntable and helping me to my seat and the table.

'This is literally the most romantic thing a guy ever did for me! Thank you for that!'

'It's my absolute pleasure.'

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