Chapter Three: Home - Drinks

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Few weeks after our vacation in Los Angeles, routine settled down in our lives. Back to the boring desk job, the daily articles for the blog, the weekly meeting with marketing, the late night writing to finish the book. I needed to keep myself as busy as humanly possible to not think about Harry. I wasn't gonna sit there wondering if he's gonna call or text or suddenly show up out of the blue in London. I couldn't afford to miss him, I have enough responsibilities to fill up my schedule for months. At first, It was easy, being in denial, trying to forget it even happened. But as time passed by, the harder it got to ignore it.

It was regular Friday night, Katie and I were drinking in our regular pub with our friends Sam, Noah and Tom.

'So Cassie how's the book coming up?' Tom asked.

'Honestly, I've been stuck ever since I came back from L.A. I keep writing chapters and rewriting them. Nothing good is coming up. I have absolutely no new original ideas.'

'What is it you always say? Write what you know? Why don't you write about L.A.?' Noah intervened

'You told them!' I snapped at Katie.

'Of course, I told them! They're our best friends! If you weren't so busy drowning yourself with work to avoid talking about it, you would've told them yourself!'

Noah continued, ' Denial and avoidance are not gonna help. Let your feelings out in writing. Just like I do in the gym. I let go of all the stress, anger, frustration and really all kind of emotions bottled up inside, in my workouts. You love writing, use it as a point of relief'

'He's right and you know it! Stop lying to yourself, and use what you've gone through to write the most beautiful love story ever written. I know you can do it, just stop being so stubborn!'

I thought about Katie and Noah's opinion, 'They're right, I could use it to my advantage'.

'Fine, but I'm gonna need your help. Katie, you're in charge of all kinds of designs, from the characters' clothes to the book cover. Noah food supply and lots of ice cream, It's gonna be a tough and depressing time, remembering all the good things I gave up. Sam, I'm gonna need to borrow your zen garden as much as I can, quiet peaceful places trigger my inspiration. Anything is better than my tiny dark flat.'

'Cassie's back everyone!' They all cheered.

The rest of the night went on to be like every time we all hung out in the pub. Katie would be chatting up some guy, Noah trying to impress some girl with his athletic achievements, Sam leaving early to catch the last tube to her girlfriend's flat for a late date, and Tom and I discussing the newest episodes of that week's tv shows.

Every week since then was the same, work from 9 to 5, blogging from 7 till 10 and writing from 10 till 1 in the morning, except on Friday where we all spend the evening together in our usual pub and on the weekends where I'd spend all day in Sam's backyard writing as much as I could.

For a while, I was satisfied. But then I needed to dial down and break out of the routine.

'Hey, why don't you go on a date? I know this architect guy you'd love! His name is Alex. He's tall, fit, short brown hair, very responsible and organised. Even your kitchen would look like a mess in comparison to his. But don't be fooled! He's also really fun to be around. And! He has a cat! She's easily the most adorable cat I've ever seen!' Sam suggested.

'Where do you know an architect from?' Katie asked confused.

'Alex is Laura's friend from university. He asked her to set him up with someone so she asked me if I knew anyone and I thought of Cassie.'

'Hey Sam, how come we never met Laura? You've been dating for 3 months and we still haven't met her!'

'Well, that's because she's shy and you're embarrassing! And I didn't want to jinx it. But I think you'll meet her soon don't worry.' Sam teased and then turned to me waiting for an answer.

'Alright, set it up! I got nothing to lose...'I sighed

'That's the spirit!' Katie said sarcastically.

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