6.4 - The Other Side - Concert

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Two weeks after I came back from Paris, I was at Katie's preparing to go to Harry's concert.

'So How did Alex react to the Harry-Cassie baby rumours?' Katie asked me while she did my makeup.

'I showed him a thousand pictures of Zack ever since we met, and he knew I was with Sophia so he was okay with that, it's just something the media does and it was expected. But what he had more trouble believing is that I didn't see or talk to Harry at all while I was there. I didn't tell him about the message on the book though. Didn't feel it's necessary.' I explained

'Yeah, I guess you're right. Did you tell him you're going to his concert today?'

'Well I told him I was going to a concert with you, I'm not sure if he pieced it together or not. I just didn't wanna have another fight just before the concert and ruin the whole night!'

'Yeah fair enough!' She shrugged and gathered her stuff as we made our way to the door.

After we got there, we walked through the crowd to reach our floor seats, close enough to the stage but far enough so that the chances of Harry actually finding me are low. The closer the time got to 9 p.m., the time Harry is supposed to go on stage, the more anxious I got. Halfway through the opening act, I could barely stay still on my seat. Part of me was excited to see Harry again and just wanted to jump up and down, the other part wanted to run as fast as I can and get out of there before I see him. Either way, I couldn't stay in my seat. There was at least half an hour to go before the concert started.

'Hey, Katie do you mind if I go to the toilet? You're okay here by yourself?' I asked while shaking my legs non-stop.

'Yeah don't worry I'll be okay just hurry back he'll be here soon.' I nodded and followed the signs.

when I got there, I just stood and stared at the door that has the girl figure on it. I didn't really need to go, I just needed to move because I couldn't handle sitting anymore. Soon enough, a security guy came up to me and ask, 'Excuse me miss are you Cassie Amelia Miller?'

I took a deep breath preparing myself to what's to come and nodded.

'I'm sorry can I see an I.D. we can't be too sure, you know there's a lot of crazy fans...'

I handed him my I.D not saying anything and He led me to the backstage dressing room of Harry and knocked on the door. When Harry opened I genuinely thought of hiding behind the security guard but it was too late. My breath was caught in my throat when I saw him and I literally froze. He had the biggest smile on his face, dimples out and everything. He immediately pulled me into a tight hug and I instinctively hugged back just as tightly. Involuntarily, I just started crying, I had absolutely no control whatsoever over my body. He gently stroked my hair and comforted me with his angelic voice saying 'Shh... It's okay Cas' I've got you now, everything is okay, everything is gonna be okay.' He slightly pulled me away, put both of his hands on my cheeks, looked right into my eyes and said 'Hello beautiful!'

Still completely frozen, I still managed to blush, smile and barely get a 'Hi' out which just made him laugh.

'Look I know you have a boyfriend, I'm not asking anything from you, I just needed to see you before I went on stage, which should be any minute now.' He looked to his side waiting to see if they're calling him yet, he continued, 'I also read your book like 5 times and it's absolutely amazing! I'm so proud of you Cas'! You made it all by yourself, just like you wanted!' Then he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

'Oh and by the way I wish I could talk as poetically as I do in your book!' He teased desperately trying to snap me out of my freak out. I laughed and playfully punched him on his shoulder

'Ha! You wish! Don't be so cocky, Nate is not you, not even a better version of you. He's just a character I created out of nowhere!' I smirked.

He pulled me in another hug while laughing then he whispered in my ear 'Whatever makes you sleep at night!'

At that moment, the crowd started chanting his name as the opening act stepped off the stage, Harry's cue to leave. The security guard from before took me back to my seat.

'Where have you been? You were gonna miss Harry's entrance!' Katie questioned me

'He sent his security guard to find me and bring me back to his dressing room'

'OMG! I wanna hear all about it! But not now, after the concert.'

All the worrying and the overthinking faded away by then. I was just happy to see Harry again, to watch him sing, play his guitar, do his little ridiculous dance moves, interact with the audience and joke around. At that moment, I forgot about everything, where I was, who I was with, Alex waiting for me anxiously, it all faded away as I watched Harry.

Just before he played his last song he stopped and said, 'You all know how much of a private person I am. But sometimes, something great happens and I just want to share with the world how happy I am. Before I start my last song for tonight and for this tour, I'm gonna tell you a little story. Last summer I met the most incredible person ever. I fell in love with her even though I just met her. She's somewhat mysterious as she doesn't easily open up to anyone, but for some reason, I could always read her like an open book. We had a weird powerful pull on each other, but sadly we had to go our separate ways. But the thing is, this is not a sad story. Because it's not over yet. I saw her for the first time tonight since then, and I couldn't be happier. I dedicate this song for you. Just know that I miss you and I hope you're happy with your new life.'

I had tears in my eyes listening to his side of our story. Then he started playing "Brown Eyes" from his latest album and I couldn't hold the tears in anymore. I'm not sure if those were happy tears or sad tears. All I could think about is the echoing voice of Harry in the arena, and the warmth of his hugs, wishing we could just drop everything and run away together.

At the end of the concert, I caught Katie up with everything that happened.

'Should've kissed him!' She complained.

'I have a boyfriend... Alex, remember him?'

'Do you remember him?' She snapped.

'What's that supposed to mean? I was with him the entire week! Of course, I remember him! I only came here for you!' I argued.

'Yeah I know, I'm sorry. But I really believe you should break it off with Alex and be with Harry. Look how happy you are! You're never this happy with you're with Alex. Just give Harry a chance, you're not losing anything. You're famous now, most of the reasons why you didn't want to be with him are irrelevant now. Just give yourself a break and be with Harry.'

'I'm not breaking up with Alex!' I insisted.

'Well let's hope for his sake he'll break up with you!'

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