9.4 - Joy - Wrap-up

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On the last day of shooting, we only had one scene left. We were called on set which was the exterior of a coffee shop. We took our places and Anthony called 'Action'. I walked out of the coffee shop and started walking, only to run into Harry's character Nate. This was the first time they saw each other after they got separated. I stood still, staring at him, taking in all his beauty and feeling the positive aura he spread out everywhere around him. He looked up at me and stopped his steps.

'Amelia! You're... You're here!'

'Hello, Nathan!' I breathed.

We stood there just staring at each other. 'I've missed you so much, Amelia! You can't even imagine how much I've missed you! I can't believe you're here! I can't believe I'm talking to you again. I was so broken when you left our apartment. I had to move because everything reminded me of you. But now you're here! You're really here!'

'Nate I-' I paused taking a deep breath as the next part of the sentence was hard for the character to admit. 'I missed you too. I'm so sorry I gave up on you! it wasn't fair! It's just I didn't think I deserve someone as great as you. I couldn't let you sacrifice so much, just for me!' I cried.

'It's not much I promise! And you do deserve someone like me.' He took my hand in his and continued, 'Because Amelia, You're just as great as me, if not more. Definitely so much more. And I love you. Please consider giving us another chance!'

I pulled him into a hug and whispered, 'I'll never let you go. Never again'

On that note, we followed the script and kissed deeply and passionately until Anthony called 'Cut'.

'That's a wrap everybody! Thank you, everyone! You were all amazing!'

Later that night we went to the venue where the wrap-up party was being held. The festivities started with a toast from our director, Anthony Taylor.

'I would like to start by thanking everyone who participated in making this film. I want to give a special thanks to the mastermind behind the story, Miss Cassie Miller, and to Mr Harry Styles, who, without him, Cassie wouldn't have the inspiration to write this specific beautiful story. Thanks to the amazing cast who made this journey so much easier and so much more fun, and finally thanks to all the crew, without you, we couldn't have made this achievement. Cheers everyone! Enjoy your night'

Everyone scattered around and Anthony walked towards Harry and me.

'So what are the happy couple's plans now?'

'Well, I still have the blog to take care of, and maybe write another book? I don't know. I'm enjoying not having everything planned out. And Harry...?'

'Well I'm going back to Cheshire to see my family for a week, and then in a month I'm going back on another tour, for 7 months, on and off, I have breaks here and there.'

'Well, good luck! Enjoy the party!'

'7 Months?' I gasped.

'Yeah, I was going to tell you but got distracted by the movie it completely went out of my mind till he asked me. I'm so sorry babe.'

'It's okay, I'll just miss you!'

'Well, come with me!' he pleaded


'Come with me! It's not like you have to be here at all times, you're not constricted to an office schedule anymore.'

'Well yeah but I have a lot to do here! Tom has taken over so much at the blog I feel bad, I should help out. And Sam and Laura might need help with the wedding stuff.'

'Alright. But come visit yeah? You always said you wanted to travel the world, This is your chance! I'm going to be everywhere! All the continents!'

'Really? All of them? Even Antarctica?' I teased.

'All the habitable continents!'

I laughed and then said, 'I'll definitely be visiting! I just don't know how often just yet. But it's gonna be fine. I mean there's internet and we can video call it'll be almost the same.'

'Yeah, almost... Hey, why don't you come with me to see my family! They'd love you!'

'Isn't it too soon? I don't know Harry. I mean I do want to meet them and everything. But I think maybe it's too soon.'

'It's okay babe, I understand. But I have to go see them, you know.'

'I know Haz, don't worry about it. I know how much you miss them.'

'I'll make it up to you, yeah? We'll go somewhere far and beautiful.'

'Where?' I asked looking at him excitedly with bright wide eyes.

'Oh, that's a surprise!'

'No come on! Tell me!' I whined

'No, not saying anything until the plane lands and you figure it out by yourself.'

'What? How's that gonna work?' I asked confused.

'I have my ways!' He winked.

The rest of the night went on smoothly, we danced, we joked, we laughed, we had fun. Soon enough, it was time to leave. We walked back to the car, holding hands.

'Thank you.'

'For what, Harry?'

'For giving us a chance. I feel like I can't say it enough. I was miserable without you. I never thought I'd need someone in my life as much as I need you. Of course besides mom. My point is, I'm just glad we're together now, and I hope it'll stay this way.'

'I'm really sorry Haz.'

'No no no, don't say that! What are you sorry for? You're not leaving me again, are you?'

'No, I'm not!' I chuckled, 'I just... I'm sorry I caused you so much pain.'

'No need to be sorry, love. It's through the pain that I learned how important you are to me and how much I'm willing to do so that we can be together again. It was totally worth it. So please don't be sorry.'

He gently pushed me against the car door, leaning in, closing the distance between us, one hand on my hip, the other on my neck. Our lips barely brushed, he whispered 'I love you, Cassie.' and then kissed me. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into me, intensifying the kiss, and then told him after letting go, 'I love you too, Harry.'

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