10.2 - Fast Forward - Rome

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'Harry what are you doing? Let me in!' I yelled from the hallway, knocking on my locked bedroom door.

'I'm packing your stuff for our surprise trip. We discussed that already! Did you forget?'

'We didn't discuss anything! You just said we're going on a trip, you didn't even tell me when.'

'Now! Well, the plane leaves in a couple of hours. So I'm packing.'

'I can do that myself you know.'

'No you can't! How will you know what to pack? Summer clothes? Or Winter clothes? I'm not telling you where we're going, so you won't know what to pack! So I'm doing it for you. But hey if it makes you feel better, you can pack your toiletries yourself. I'm only going through your clothes here.'

'Fine!' I sighed and did as he asked.

Soon enough we were at the airport. He led me through it, until we stopped outside, next to a small plane.

'What's that? How come it's so small? Why didn't we go to where the other people were going?' I asked curiously and confused.

'That is what we call a private jet. It's just the two of us. And well the people who work on it too. That was the only way to ensure you don't figure out where we're going.'

'Harry! I mean I appreciate the effort and it's really lovely. But this is unnecessarily expensive. I don't care about surprises. All I care about is spending time with you.'

'I know Cas', but I wanted to do this so don't worry about it. Besides, it's not like I'm doing things like that constantly. Just once in a while, I like spoiling you.'

'Thanks, Harry.' We went inside, and it was beautiful. I hadn't been on planes that much before, and when I did the seats were usually small with barely enough leg room. This was different, this was comfortable.

'Will you be okay? I know you don't like flying much. But it's a short flight, a little over 2 hours. It'll be over before you know it.'

We landed, and I was eagerly looking around trying to find out in which country we are. I read a sign and the jumped up and down in excitement.

'This sign is in Italian! We're in Italy? Oh please tell me we're in Italy!'

'You are so cute! And yes we are in Italy!' He chuckled.

'OMG! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You're amazing!' I jumped into his arm and kissed him strongly but shortly. 'Come on, we have a lot to do! I want Pizza! No Pasta! No, wait, Ice cream! And we have to go see the Colosseum! And the Pantheon! And the Sistine Chapel!'

'Cas, darling, we have 4 days here, we're going to do all those things and more! But we're going to the hotel first to put our luggage and change and then we'll have lunch somewhere near and then walk around and see everything, yeah?'

I nodded heavily dragging him out of the airport.

After two days packed full of sightseeing, we slowed down and enjoyed a romantic dinner in one of the restaurants.

'Are you having fun?' Harry asked me.

'Yes! This is the best trip ever! I honestly don't know how anyone or any other trip can top this. Rome is really beautiful. Thank you, Harry, for bringing me here.'

'Well, Rome has been on the top of your bucket list for a long time. I'm just glad I was able to help you cross it. But don't worry, there's still a lot of beautiful places on earth. And I can't wait to visit each one of them with you.' He took my hand in his and gently pulled it towards him, giving it a gentle kiss. He then looked into my eyes, and said, 'I love you, Cassie!'

I smiled at him, blushing just as much as I first saw him all those months ago.

'I love you too Harry!'

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