10.4 - Fast Forward - Surprise

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It's been over three months since Harry went on tour. I've missed him a lot, but I didn't complain much. I continued my life just the same. One night I was with the group in our usual pub, talking about everything and nothing.

'So, Cassie, how's Harry?' Katie asked.

'He's great! He's having a lot of fun on tour! He keeps gushing about how amazing the crowd is and how overwhelming it gets when they sing his lyrics back to him.'

'Aw! That's adorable! You miss him don't you?' Sam said.

'A LOT!'

'Hey, why don't you fly to him and surprise him? It is July after all... the day after tomorrow around 2 p.m. , it would be exactly a year since you met. It's the perfect excuse, like an anniversary type thing! Come on! Be the romantic one for a change!' Katie suggested.

'You know what? That's a great idea!'

I took my phone out and started looking from plane tickets to Sydney, Australia. I booked everything.

'Done, I need to go pack! It's almost a whole day on a plane! If I want to get there on time, I need to leave tomorrow. The flight is at noon!'

'I'll come to help you pack! Bye guys!' Katie followed me and drove us back to my flat.

Next day I woke up, phone buzzing.

'What's going on?' Katie asked sleepily.

I checked my phone, reading through notifications, 'It's those rumours again'

'What rumours?' Katie asked going to the kitchen to get some coffee.

'The "Harry was spotted leaving a club with a random girl, he's probably cheating on Cassie" rumours.' I explained.

'You seem okay with that. Other people would freak out or get angry. You're pretty calm about it. You're almost scaring me' she teased.

'I don't have anything to worry about. I trust him. He wouldn't cheat. Besides, I'm going to see him in a little over 24 hours. I'll see for myself then. Not that I expect to see anything out of the ordinary.'

'Yeah, I guess.'

'You don't seem too convinced. Isn't it the same with Niall? Don't you have to deal with stories like these?' I asked.

'Please! Niall is an angel! he'd never cheat!'

'And Harry isn't?' I argued.

'I didn't say that. It's just that Harry used to have a reputation and we don't know exactly to what extent it's false.' she explained.

'I trust him. I don't believe the rumours. Anyway, It's time to drive to the airport.'

After a very long, exhausting flight, I finally got to Sydney. I turned my phone off of flight mode and connected to the wifi. First thing I notice is the ridiculous amount of messages, missed calls and voicemails left by Harry. All saying how the rumours are not true and begging me to talk to him and stop ignoring him and give him a chance to explain. I rushed outside the airport and took a taxi to his hotel. Since I already know all the information I need, I directly went up to his room and knocked on the door. It took Harry a while to open, but when he did, he looked broken, his eyes were swollen and red, his hair was messy, he was leaning on the door, barely able to hold himself up. Seeing him like that broke my heart. I immediately hugged him.

'Surprise!' I whispered.

He was confused, happy to see me sure, but also confused.

'How? When did you? Is that why your phone was off? I thought you were ignoring me! I was so worried!'

'I'm sorry I got you worried. I just missed you and I thought that exactly this day a year ago, we met and I wanted to spend today with you so I came!'

'Aw! This is so adorable! Thank you! I missed you so much!'

I smiled at him and kissed him. He slightly pushed me away and questioned.

'Wait, did you check the news? They're saying bad stuff but please don't believe them! You know I'd never cheat on you! You know I'd never hurt you like that!'

'Harry, relax. I saw the news. I know better than to believe them!' I reassured him.

'So you didn't come here to see for yourself if I was indeed cheating or not?'

'What? No of course not! I bought the ticket before the news was even out!'

'Oh alright then! So we're good!'

'Yes, we are.' I assured him

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