9.2 - Joy - Hiding

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We were one week away from wrapping up the shoot, but since we weren't shooting the scenes in chronological order. We were shooting the homemade cooking scene and everything was going perfectly. After a few takes, we got what we needed, and we had a short break while they prepared the airport set and gather all the extras and tell them what they should be doing.

'Here you go.' Harry said, handing me a hot cup of coffee.

'What's that?'

'Coffee. I know you don't like the taste but there's a lot of sugar in it. You seemed a little sleepy and we still have a lot of scenes to shoot.'

'Thanks, Harry!' He gave me a side hug and placed a gentle kiss on my temple in response.

'No problem babe.'

I smoothly pull away from his grip and scolded him, 'Harry! You can't do this here! They can't know we're together! Not before we finish the movie! Do you want the information to leak? Can you imagine what would happen if your fans find out? They're not gonna be happy with this, and they'll blame me! Do you want that to happen?'

'Oh, would you just calm down already! Don't worry about the fans, the true ones would be happy that I'm happy, and the ones who aren't and send hate, we'll just ignore them. Rumours are already starting to spread, they did picture us on our trip last weekend! It's not gonna be much worse than now!'

'Yeah but the pictures they shared are innocent, we can still pretend we're just friend in front of the world. I don't get it, that's what you always did in your past relationships, why should it be any different now?' I asked.

'It is different! I didn't love them as I love you. Besides, they already know I'm in love with someone because of what I said at my last concert. They're already thinking that I was talking about you. I'm sorry, I understand you're not ready, I'll try my best to tone down the public displays of affection.'

'Mr Styles, Miss Miller, you're being called to the set.' One of the assistants approached us and informed us.

We took our places on the set and Anthony called 'Action'.

'You didn't need to come all the way here Nate. You have that meeting in less than 30 minutes! You'll be late!'

'I can't miss 5 more extra minutes with you! I'm not even sure when I'll be seeing you again!'

He took me in his arms abruptly and held me tight, just like instructed on the script.

'I'm going to miss you so much, Cassie!' He said in a low voice.

'Cut!' called Anthony, 'Harry that was great but next time, please say the right name, it shouldn't be this difficult, it's Cassie's middle name. Now, let's try this again, and remember her name is Amelia or Amy... whichever you're most comfortable with.'

'Sorry' he mumbled.


'I can't miss 5 more extra minutes with you! I'm not even sure I'll be seeing you again!'

He hugged me again, with the same passion as the last take and when it happened in real life all those months ago.

'I'm going to miss you so much, Amelia!' He sighed letting a single tear out.

'I'll miss you too Nathan.' I cried, pulling him away long enough to wrap my arms around his neck and pulling him back in for the scripted goodbye kiss.

'Cut! That was perfect!' Anthony exclaimed. 'Guys! I said cut! You can stop kissing now!' he teased, snapping us out of our moment.

Embarrassed we both quickly went our separate ways, Harry heading back to his trailer and me heading towards the table with all the drinks staying on set since I was still on call. Anthony approached me.

'So was that just an intense acting moment and you guys got caught up in it? Or are you guys back together?' He asked in a serious tone.

'Got caught up in it!'I immediately replied.

'Okay, let me ask that again.' He removed his "director" hat as he likes to call it and asked again, 'from one friend to another, tell me, are you guys back together?'

'Umm... No?' I said hesitantly.

'That's the best you can do?' He chuckled. 'Cassie you're an actress if you wanna lie to me and tell me that there's nothing going on between you and Harry at least make it convincing!'

I laughed lightly and admitted to it. 'Fine yes we are. But I promise it's not gonna affect the shooting!' I yelped.

'Good to know! And I'm happy for you guys, you seem great with each other. But you're in for a ride, there's going to be lots of ups and down. Are you sure you can handle all the lonely nights when he's away touring, all the rumours that he's cheating on you and even though you know it's not true, they still hurt? And don't forget about all the hate and the paparazzi and everything. Can you face all that without losing what you have with Harry?'

'With or without Harry, I still need to deal with hate and paparazzi and rumours. At least with Harry, I'll have someone to lean on when it gets really bad.'

'Alright, what about the long distance?' he asked.

'It is gonna be difficult, I'm not gonna pretend and say it's fine. But I can travel... I can go to him, he can fly back to me whenever it's possible. We'll make it work. And if it doesn't... well, we're happy now. And nothing's gonna change that. It's worth it.'

'Okay if you're a 100% sure about this then I support you and I wish you the best. Now come on, you have a scene to shoot!'

After finishing on set for the day, I went back to Harry's trailer.

'Hey, you're still here! You finished hours ago.'

'I wanted to wait till you were done. I was thinking maybe we can go to dinner if you're not too tired.'

'If you were here why didn't you come to set and watch me while I acted? I could've used your support.'

'Something bad happened?' he asked tapping the empty space on the couch next to him motioning me to sit there. I sat there, turning so I could face him and crossing my legs.

'No, I just missed you.' I pouted. 'Oh, and by the way, Anthony knows about us.'

'What? How?' He urged.

'He asked me and I couldn't lie to him. But I assured him that it's not gonna affect the shooting. He was okay with it though, so we're good.'

'Great! So dinner?' He asked again.

'Well I already planned to meet the group at the pub and we'll be eating there as usual. But you should come! You still haven't met anyone of them! Well besides Katie.'

'Should I be worried? Is this like "meeting the parents" type of thing?' he asked worryingly.

'No, it's much worse! Don't worry it'll be fine, you'll love them!' I reassured him.

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