8.3 - New - Engagement

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Saturday came and we were all heading to Sam's place for a dinner invitation from both her and Laura. Katie and I got there first and soon enough Noah and Tom arrived. They had prepared a very rich table full of a variety of food. Before we started eating Sam called for a toast.

'Before we start eating, I'd like to make an announcement. See, there's actually a reason why we got all of you here. Laura and I are getting married!'

We all cheered and hugged each other. Then we took our seats back and we started eating while listening to the proposal story.

'So I sent a message to Sam to go to the cafe where we met for the first time. Then I ordered the same thing she ordered that day, all of that without her knowing I'm there. I told the guy who prepared the drinks to write "Hyde Park" on her cup. It's the place where we walked after our first date, and it's where we had our first kiss. She looked at the inscriptions on her cup and texted me asking where am I and I told her I'm running late. So as I expected, Sam being a fan of scavenger hunts, she went to the park which wasn't too far from the coffee shop. I followed her, straight to the tree where we were that night. She saw an envelope with her full name written on it stuck to one of the branches. She opened the letter. Sam, why don't you go get it and read it to them?'

Sam went to the living room and got the letter and read it to us.

'Okay so the letter said, My lovely Sam,

I am writing to you today because I wanted to tell you something important. I could've done that face to face, but I know how much you love mysteries and following clues. We've been together for quite a while. But even though some people may say it's too soon, but I know my feelings for you, I know that I love you, and I know all there is to know about you. With no doubt, I also know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Thank you, for being you, for falling for me, and for making me happy.

Kind regards,


P.S.: Will you marry me?

And when I finished reading the letter I looked up from the paper, tears running down my face, and saw Laura on one knee in front of me, repeating the last line from the letter. "Will you marry me?" she said. And of course, I said yes!'

Katie, not holding back on her tears sobbed 'This is the most beautiful proposal story I've ever heard! You guys are so lucky to have each other! Congratulations!'

'So any ideas on a date for the wedding? Or you did you not plan it yet?'

'We did start. We got the venue since it's always busy. So the date is November 19th of this year, which gives us, 9 months to plan everything!' Sam explained.

'Don't worry, love 9 months is long enough, it's gonna be amazing.' Laura reassured.

'Yeah, I guess! I'm so excited! There's so much to do! And! I'm going to be designing our wedding dresses myself!' Sam gushed.

'I thought it was bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding?' Noah asked.

'Oh well, that's just some old superstitions that date from back when marriages used to be arranged. Besides, no dresses will be better than anything Sam can design.' Laura explained.

'That is so true!' I affirmed.

'Oh hey, maybe I'll design your wedding dress too, Cassie!' Sam exclaimed.

'Definitely, but I'm pretty sure that won't be anytime soon!' I chuckled.

'Well, yeah maybe. But between you and Katie, who'd you think is more likely to get married first?'

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