2.3 - Spotlight - Deep Conversations

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As we walked around the mall taking a break, worn out from all the shopping, we continued our discussions from a few nights ago to find out more of our likes and dislikes.

'What? How can you hate flowers they're beautiful?'He said staring at me with wide eyes.

'It's not that I hate them it's just I wouldn't like it if a guy offered me flowers... They are beautiful but when they're cut off from their natural habitat they die quickly so what's the point? Why kill a flower just to give it to someone? It's cruel for the flowers just leave them alone in peace in nature that's where they're supposed to be! There are other things that can be offered instead of flowers. Plastic ones are not an option either it's just fake! I don't like fake!'

'Huh that actually makes sense, but what would a guy offer instead of the flower?'

'Hmm, I don't really know honestly. I actually don't care for gifts much. Unless it's my birthday of course!'

'Interesting! When is your birthday anyway?'

'It's in December. Next question! Do you have a certain item you like to collect?'

'You mean besides all the floral suits with weird colour arrangements I've been wearing for the last 2 or 3 years?'

I laughed and nodded, he thought for a while and then said, 'Oh! I have a large collection of vinyl from all kinds of bands. It sounds much better than on the stereo!'

'That sounds incredible, I absolutely need to check them out'

'Hey, Why don't you come over to my place tomorrow? I'll cook you dinner and we'll spend the evening listening to classic rock on vinyl?'

'Sounds perfect!'

'What about you, what do you collect?'

I pulled out my phone looking for the picture of the bookcase in my living room back in London, 'I've been collecting snow globes and action figures for the last decade check this out' I gave him my phone to check my precious prizes out. 'I love travelling but I never got to do it so whenever my sister went to some country or city she always brought me back a snow globe, and I've been telling my friends this story for so long they started doing the same'

'Wow this is very impressive you've got at least 3 full shelves of them! This is amazing I love it!'

'Thank you! So I'm starting to feel hungry wanna go have lunch before we continue?'

'Yeah let's eat something before we get the shoes'

'You've already spent a lot, do we have to get the high heels too? I can probably find something I have.'

'Yes, we do. Seriously, it's no big deal! I'm enjoying spoiling you. Plus you look adorable when you're shocked at the ridiculously high prices in here!'

I laughed and agreed, 'Alright as long as you promise not to overdo it. I know how expensive shoes can get!'

'Don't worry about it!' he comforted me reaching out for my hand, intertwining our fingers together leading me to the food court. For the first time, I noticed how big, soft and warm his hands are. As long as he was holding my hand I knew I was safe and nothing bad could ever happen to me.

'Hey, something wrong?' I snapped out of my thought, turned my head to look at him confused as to why he's asking me that.

'You've been silently looking out the window and barely eating the rest of your fries for the past 5 minutes'

'Oh, sorry about that. I just got distracted by my thoughts.'

'What were you thinking about?'

'This place reminded me of the mall back in my hometown. I just miss my family I haven't seen them in a year. Things have been so crazy in London this is my first vacation in a long time and if it wasn't for Katie's whining I would've never come here.'

'You didn't tell me about your family. I only know that you're not from London'

'So my mom and my dad are from different countries, and I spent most of my life in dad's hometown. So I'm not very familiar with all my aunt and uncles on my mom's side. But thankfully with the internet, I became really close to my cousin Rose. I'm not close with my dad's family either they're not the friendliest people out there, we just meet at important big family events.'

I continued the story of my life as we finished shopping and then heading towards the parking lot where he parked his car.

'I only have one sister who lives in Paris with her husband. It's easier to see her cause Paris is much closer. So that's good at least. The hardest part of living in London is to keep up with my spread out family.'

'That's the first time you lived alone? When you moved to London I mean.'

'Well, I spent half a year in Paris a few years ago. I wasn't alone though I was with my sister. What about you? When you're not touring the world your job is keeping you here, no? How often do you see your mom and sister? Do you talk to them regularly?'

'I have to admit it's really difficult to keep up when I'm constantly in planes going from city to city. But I'm really attached to them so whenever I have cell service or internet I stay in touch as much as I can. I can easily call my mom three or four times a day. But they can always count on me and I always try my best to be there at least for the holidays and the big moments.'

'It's nice how much caring you are. I guess it's one of the things media forgets to mention. And I'm not sure how much it's true but apparently, fame gets to the head of a lot of celebrities to the point where they forget where they came from and their families. I like how down to earth you are. It makes you really precious.'

'I think that the first time you gave me a real compliment!' He teased smirking at me as we reach the car.

'Don't ruin the moment Styles' I said playfully hitting his arm, standing next to the passenger seat's door waiting for him to open the car. Suddenly he put his left hand on the car right next to where my head was and wrapped his right one around my waist looking straight into my eyes, pushing me towards him, closing the space between us, leaning in to kiss me. But just as our lips brushed against each other he just paused and pulled away as if waiting for permission. Being this close to him was getting a bit awkward but I knew I wanted to kiss him again, I wanted to feel the shivers he gave me last time. So knowing myself, before I could start overthinking, freezing me out and actually ruining the moment, I slid my left hand between his neck and his long chocolate curls and just went for it. He didn't hesitate to kiss me back pulling me in, even more, deepening and intensifying the kiss, until he pulled away, resting his forehead on mine and whispering, 'Thank you.'

'What for?' I looked at him confused, trying to catch my breath.

'I felt like you've been holding back on me for some reason. So I'm saying thank you for giving this a shot.'

I smiled at him and then went inside the car to avoid getting carried away and taking it further than it already has. It's not fair for him. He didn't know that when I'd get back to London it would be over.

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