6.2 - The Other Side - Niall

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'Hey sorry I kept you waiting! I ran into Tristan Hayes on my way out, we're good friends, he was congratulating me on the release.' I apologize breathless from walking as fast as I can, feeling guilty about keeping Niall waiting.

'It's fine, don't worry about it! How come you know Tristan?'

'Oh well we shot a movie together a month or two ago, and then I did an interview with him for the blog, and we stayed in contact since then. He's been very supportive!'

'Oh cool! But what happened to "I'm not interested in pursuing a career in acting"?' He chuckled.

I laughed and then explained, 'well I was only supposed to be behind the scenes but we had trouble casting the main lady and I had chemistry with Tristan so it just happened. It was definitely fun. I think I might do it again if the chance came up to me.'

'What movie is this? When are they releasing it?'

'It's an independent movie, based on the book called "Looking for a Rose", directed by my good friend Anthony Taylor, starring Tristan Hayes and Cassie Miller to be released next October!'

'Sounds Amazing! Can't wait to see that one!'

'What about you? What have you been up to?' I asked curiously.

'Well, I'm finishing my next solo album. It took longer than expected, I just want it to be as perfect as possible. It's a little different from my first solo Album, but it's also similar in some way. I'm just trying to slowly build my image, an image separate of the one with the group. It's not like we're never gonna get back together and do more music as a band, but until then, I don't want to be that Irish guy from that band, I wanna be me.'

'Yeah, I understand that. Is there any plans for the band to get back together any time soon?'

'I'm not sure, I don't think so. It's been difficult to keep up with everyone. Each one of us is in a different place, I mean I did see all of them throughout the last few years after we announced the hiatus but it's rare that the four of us are in the same city at the same time. I think the only time it happened was Christmas two years ago.'

'What about this Christmas? You're here, so are Louis and Liam. Harry finishes his tour at the end of the month. Why don't you guys do something again? It could be nice.'

'Yeah probably... I'll talk to them. So I see you've been keeping up with Harry news...' He asked with a hopeful look on his face.

'Katie is dragging me to his concert ' I immediately paused regretting that I just told him that. 'Umm... I wasn't supposed to tell you that... Would it be okay if you don't tell him that I'm coming?'

'Why? I thought you'd be happy to see him, you guys used to get along really well back in July.'

'Well, I am happy to see him, but, well Niall, I actually have a boyfriend now, and things are going pretty well. Seeing Harry is going to be difficult enough without having to talk to him as well. I don't know what's Harry's side of the story. But from where I'm standing, the connection and the feelings between me and Harry is not something that goes away, ever... I still love him, and I'm trying to ignore that, for Alex's sake, because I really like him and I want him in my life. He's good to me and he gives my life a certain stability and I really need that right now. Being close to Harry might damage that, and that is not something that I want.'

'Oh, well I understand that. Don't worry Cassie, I won't tell him that you'll be there. I hope things work out with Alex.'

'Thank's Ni!' I paused for a while before I asked him, 'So umm... How is he doing? Have you been talking to him?'

'Can I be honest, Cassie?' I nodded then he continued, 'Well he hasn't been doing so good, ever since you left. He's been sad for a while as if something inside broke. At least that benefited him with finishing up the album. If you listen to it, the last 3 songs are all about July and you. They're actually the best songs he ever made. Touring helped him cheer up a bit. Performing always put him in a nice place, I remember from when we toured, no matter how sad he gets, as long as he's on that stage doing what he loves most, he's happy. But when the show ends, it doesn't always last. He called me a few times, it would be night time wherever he'd be, he'd be crying and he'd ask me why did you leave and I'd remind him all the things you guys talked about and eventually he ends up falling asleep.'

The thought of Harry crying, alone makes me cry. Add to that I'm responsible for those tears just kills me. I couldn't hold my tears in, and Niall being the caring sweet human being he is, he pulled me in a hug and tried to calm me down by saying, 'It'll be fine, he'll be okay and it'll pass eventually.'

'Do you hate me?' I asked looking at my feet not daring to look at him in the eyes. He lifted my chin up to make me look at him and he wiped my tears.

'No, I don't, none of us does! We understand that fame is not something easy to deal with. It just hurts because both of you love each other and in a normal situation you should be together. But, unfortunately, it's not that easy. There's a lot of complications, his job, the media who just ruin all of our lives, you being with Alex and, unless he breaks up with you, you're not willing to end it yourself. It's gonna be fine Cassie. Don't worry, we don't hate you, actually, we all think you're amazing! We just hope Harry moves on so that he can go back to being the happy guy we're used to. It's not your fault really, things just happen.' he reassured me.

'I just hope he'll get better soon. It kills me to know that he's in pain because of me.' I sighed.

'He's strong, he'll get better soon enough. Don't worry about him.' 

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