2.2 - Spotlight - Shopping

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'Right we're gonna need a dress, high heels, not too high though I want you to be comfortable, an evening bag and some accessories.'

He dragged me to a famous designer store looking for the dress, but I just froze at the entrance. He looked at me, studying my face trying to understand why I wasn't walking along.

'Don't worry it's on me.'

'But it's too-'

'No buts!' He firmly declared.

'But I can't let you-'

'I said no buts come on!'

I shrugged and went inside the store with him knowing it wasn't a fight I could win, even if letting him buy me all those expensive things, especially since there little to no chance that I would need them after that night, made me feel incredibly guilty. I could already imagine people saying 'She's with him just for his money and his fame' or something along those lines. It's not that I cared about what people think of me, it's just that it could hurt his reputation and well mine too if I wanted my book to be published I should definitely avoid that.

'Since I'm wearing a cream suit I think maybe we could match? Hello miss could you please help us?'

One of the girls that worked in the store approached us studying me as Harry explained to her what he's looking for.

'Well since she has a tanned olive skin she can pull off a cream-coloured dress. A long dress would be classier and it helps that she's tall, short girls should avoid wearing long dresses it makes them look even shorter. Here try this one and those'

He grabbed the dresses from the woman who's helping us and I tried them all, showing him each until he picked his favourite dress.

Next, we went into the jewellery store. On our way in, a beautiful necklace caught my eyes, a thin silver chain, with a diamond covered pendant holding at the centre of it a heart-shaped Topaz gem. I quickly followed Harry before he noticed how much I liked it and agreed to whatever accessories he chose for tonight's party.

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