Chapter Four: Uphill - Fashion Show

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Sam was releasing her very first collection and we all went to the fashion show to support her. I went backstage to check on the girls and see if they need help. When I got there, I found Sam, Katie, and a girl I've never seen before.

'Hey, Cassie you're here! Thank you for coming!' She greeted me, pulling me in a hug.

'I want you to meet my girlfriend Laura!' she gushed.

'Laura! It's so nice to finally meet you!' we greeted each other and chatted a bit.

'Hey Sam, can I do anything to help?' I asked.

'I don't know... Let me check on the girls and I'll be right back.'

Seconds later she came back shouting.

'We're missing 2 girls! Where are my models? The show is starting in less than half an hour!!' Sam is yelling stressed out and sure something is going to go wrong.

'Would you relax! I'm sure we'll find something. Right, Katie?' I ask her with a grin on my face.

'OMG! Cassie, you're a genius! Katie, take off your clothes.' Sam ordered. Katie, the only one not catching up was totally confused until it hit her seconds later, 'What? What for? Oh hey! I could replace one of the models! But that's not gonna be enough, you need one more! '

'No no no no no! No way! It's not gonna fit me anyway I'm not skinny like them!' I babbled.

'Not all of them are skinny! My collection is for all shapes and sizes and you know it! Stop making excuses and go to hair and makeup we're running late, I'll put you two last so that you'll have time preparing.'

'Fine! It's only because I love you, or else I would've killed you for making me do this!' I nagged as I followed her instruction.

It was time to go on the catwalk. The walking part was easy, we always joked around whenever we went shopping and pretended we were models, so we had all the practice we needed for this moment. I looked through the curtains as Katie made her grand entrance in a stunning backless black gown. 'There's a lot of people out there!' I thought. I was starting to get really nervous as I got ready for my own entrance.

'Relax Cassie, this dress is amazing on you. Definitely one of your best looks! Alex is gonna go crazy when he sees you!' she reassured me. 'Come on, time to go!'

As soon as I got to the other side of the curtains, all I could hear is the music. I started walking to the rhythm of the song playing, straight back, head held high, one foot in front of the other, and a smile on my face. Cameras were flashing everywhere, but I tried my best to not let it get to me and just have fun with it. We changed looks three or four times discussing in between.

'Hey, Cassie did you see who's here?' Kaite said while jumping up and down from excitement. I laughed at the fangirling and asked who was it.

'It's Louis and Liam! Harry and Niall's bandmates!!'

'What?!' I shrieked.

'Oh relax! Harry's not here I checked' she reassured me.

'What about Niall is he here?'I teased her.

'Nop' she answered walking away from me ready to go back on stage.

When the fashion show finished, we all enjoyed the release party. I went to check on Alex since he was left alone with the boys all night.

'Hey, hun! Did you enjoy the show?' I asked while hugging him and giving him a quick peck on the lips as I pulled away.

'Yeah! You looked amazing! Sam is really talented! I honestly thought I'd be bored but I actually had fun!'

'I'm glad to hear that! I was actually worried to leave you alone with the boys.'

'It was fun don't worry about it. What about you? You seemed to have enjoyed yourself. The people and the cameras didn't freak you out? I know how you're uncomfortable around them.' he asked concerned.

'I was very nervous before I went out the first time. But as soon as I got on that stage, all of that was gone and it was just fun!'

'I'm so glad you had fun tonight!' he gushed then leaned in, pulling me into his arm while looking straight into my eyes and whispered 'You have no idea how amazing you are... and there's something that I wanted to tell you' he paused and then said 'I love you, Cassie!'

As soon as I heard that I pulled him into a deep kiss hoping it would distract him enough from the fact that I didn't say it back. I wasn't ready to and I didn't want to hurt him by saying it and not meaning it.

After I pulled away, thankfully Katie interrupted us.

'Cassie, I wanna go say hi to Louis and Liam but I don't wanna do it alone can you come with me?'

'Yeah, sure!' I quickly answered giving Alex an apologetic look.

When we got far enough, walking towards the boys she asked

'What was that about?'

'He told me he loved me...' I answered wide-eyed still trying to process it.

'Wow! That is huge!'

'No it's not! It's tiny! It's totally not a big deal!' I babbled

'You didn't say it back, did you?' I shook my head no while looking at the ground.

'We'll talk about that later there are more important things right now! look alive!' she said, nudging my arm to look up and smile. 'Hello boys!' she gushed.

'Hello, ladies! May I say you two looked absolutely gorgeous on the stage!' Louis complimented us while Liam nodded in agreement then giving each one of us with a hug and a peck on the cheek.

'Did you enjoy the show?' I asked.

'Yeah it was lovely, the designer is really talented!' Liam approved.

'I'm so glad you could make it! When I talked to Niall on the phone and he told me he wouldn't be able to make it because of his touring schedule I was upset. But then he made it up to me by getting you two to show up! So yay! Thank you!'

'Wait you talked to Niall? Why didn't you tell me! I thought you told me you weren't in contact!'

'Not now Cassie!' she urged.

'Wait! YOU'RE Cassie? Harry's Cassie?' Louis gasped.

'I wouldn't... put it like that... exactly... I'm not his... But, yeah... I'm that Cassie.'

'Well, safe to say, when he said "she has the most beautiful smile on earth", he wasn't exaggerating!'

'He told you about me?' I asked surprised.

'Yeah, I visited him about a month ago, he wouldn't stop talking about you. It's really a shame you guys didn't end up together, you would've made a great couple. But we understand where you're coming from. Dealing with the burdens of being famous isn't for everyone.' Liam chimed in.

'How is he?' I asked shyly.

'Honestly, he was sad at first when you left. But I've talked to him on the phone a week ago while he was on tour. He seemed to be doing much better. I guess touring cheered him up.' Louis explained.

'By the way, Cassie! I've been checking your blog! It's brilliant! But I think maybe it would be interesting to do some interviews with actors or people who work in the productions you're writing about. I know it could be challenging to achieve, but we have connections and we'd love to help.' Liam added.

I sighed but Katie immediately interrupted me, 'She'd love the help that's an amazing idea! Thank you for all the support! You guys are amazing!' She opened her clutch taking out a business cards giving them to the boys and explained 'There's one with Cassie's info and one with Tom's her partner when it comes to all things related to the blog, and one with mine, I run a fashion blog, if you know anyone interested pass it along.'

We thanked the boys, walked away back to where our group was gathered and enjoyed the rest of the night celebrating our achievements.

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