8.4 - New - Boyfriend

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The shooting was taking a lot of my time, and by the time we'd be done, I'd be so exhausted that I just go home and sleep. I was missing out on a lot with my friends, especially Katie. So I invited her for a girls day in, in my flat, which meant mostly food deliveries, salty and sweet treats, gossiping and romantic comedies. After she got here, prepared whatever needs to be preparing, calling the food place and ordering, popping the first DVD in, we were ready to sink into the couch and not move for a while.

'So how's life on set?' She asked curiously.

'It's so fun! Everyone is so nice! And Anthony is doing a great job directing. He's making it so much easier. And we're moving fast, most of the scenes are done in one take. But we're having a good laugh every now and then. And the cast is great, and hanging out with Harry on a regular basis is amazing.' I explained.

'That's great! Glad you're having fun!'

'Thanks, Katie! So what about you? What have you been doing?'

'Well, busy week as well. I had interviews, posts to write, fashion shows to attend and I had a photoshoot! That was lots of fun! And I've been on three dates with the same guy!' she gushed.

'Wait, hold on, 3 dates, within a week, with the same guy?! So you're basically dating someone and you're just letting me know now? I can't believe you, Katie!' I teasingly shouted.

'I'm so sorry Cassie! It's just you've been busy and tired and honestly, I didn't want to jinx it.'

'Hey! Wait! No! What about Niall! I thought we agreed on giving him a shot! I talked to him for you! How can you do this to him! I can't believe you, Katie!'

'Well, Niall is actually the guy I'm talking about...' she mumbled under her breath.

'OMG! How did it happen? What did he tell you?' I gasped.

'Well, he's gonna be in London for a while so he talked to me and asked me out and we've gone out twice after that. I'm just really enjoying his company, he's really different and caring and attentive.' she marvelled.

'Okay, yeah yeah I get it. You're totally smitten!'

'Am not!' she yelled as I raised an eyebrow letting her know that I don't believe her. 'Okay yeah maybe I am, but so is he!' she said in defence.

I laughed, 'Aw, Katie you guys are so adorable! But what happened to the whole "No boyfriends, because they don't understand my job and there will be a lot of fights and it's just not worth it"?' I asked in a serious tone.

'Well he did ask me why I don't want to be in relationships and I explained to him and he reassured me that he's not like that and honestly I kinda believed him. He's really a nice guy, no one in the entire world has anything to say that would prove that wrong.' she explained.

'Yeah he is a nice guy.'

'OMG! We can double date!' she exclaimed.


'Niall and I with Harry and you?'

'Except Harry and I aren't dating.' I clarified.

'Oh, right.' She frowned then went back to smiling and said, 'Well, either way, this is really good and I'm very excited about what's to come!'

'Katie! I'm so happy for you! I really hope this works out! You both deserve each other. Plus, you look great together. His fans are gonna be so jealous. Oh speaking about that, you should expect a lot of hate coming your way now. How are you going to deal with that?'

'Oh, don't worry, I'm used to ignoring negative comments. There are a lot of rude people on the internet. It's not new, and being with Niall is not gonna change that. I'm okay, don't worry Cassie.'

'Alright, if you really thought this through then I guess I have nothing else to say about it.'

We continued watching the movie and soon later, I got a text from Harry, Hey Cas! Did you hear about Niall and Katie? How great is that! I was thinking maybe we could go out the four of us tomorrow somewhere. Maybe a quick trip outside London, you know, less crowded.

'Hey Katie, Harry is suggesting to go on a trip outside London the four of us tomorrow. Up to it?'

'Yeah! Does Niall know? Should I check with him first?'

'I guess he knows, but check first just in case'

After getting Niall's agreement, I texted Harry back, Hey Haz! Yeah, I heard! It's so great! I'm so happy for them! And yeah a trip sounds fun!

'See I told you we'd double date! 'Katie teased.

'It's not a double date!' I insisted.

'Wanna bet? If I win and it is a double date, you'd have to kiss Harry on the lips, and if you win and he doesn't think of it as a double date then I'd stop teasing you about the whole dating thing. Deal?'

'Deal!' We shook hands and then went back to enjoying our girls day in, discussing all kinds of details about each other's love interests.

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