Chapter Eight: New - Big Screen

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Back in London, I was headed to my publisher's company building for an early meeting. I enter the conference room where all my 3 bosses were sitting along with two strange men and a friendly face.

'Nice to see you again, Cassie!'

'Anthony! What a nice surprise!'

'I think you know by now what's this meeting about Miss Miller.' John began, 'We're turning your book into a movie. Here are the producers from the company we've worked with many times in the past.'

'Hello, Miss Miller! We're excited to be working with you. There's a lot of work to do and we want you to be as involved as you'd like. We already hired screenwriters and they started writing the screenplay but you can go over it and make any modifications you'd like. And as you can see, we already chose the director, we like his work and we thought since you know each other well it would be easier for you two to work together.' one of the two producers explained.

'We're going to be starting the casting procedures in two days, and of course, you'll be there, no decisions will be taken without your consent. After that, we'll start shooting which is going to take around 6 weeks.' The second one continued.

Soon enough, time for the casting started. There was a lot of people auditioning and finding supporting characters was an easy task. The trouble was the leading man and lady since they're the face of the movie, we needed them to be compatible, to have chemistry, and very specific key features. The guy had to have long curly hair, piercing green eyes and tall. As for the girl, she had to be quite tall, not too slim, brown hair and brown eyes. Even though there were many talented actors coming in to audition, we narrowed it down to two guys and two girls. We had them read lines with each other, trying all the combinations. They were good but the producers, Anthony and I weren't totally convinced. Until Anthony got a phone call. After a short phone conversation, he hung up and turned to us.

'Problem solved!' He exclaimed.

'Who was that?' I asked curiously.

'Well let's just say, who better to play the lead than the two people who the characters were inspired from?' He smirked. The producers' eyes lit up and heavily agreed.

'How did we not think about that! That would be perfect! Cassie, please agree to that! Please!' One of them insisted.

I was a little confused not catching on. 'What are you going on about? You mean you want me to play the lead?'

'Yes!' They all exclaimed in unison.

'Alright but what about Nate? Who's playing Nathan?'

'You're still pretending Nate is not based on who we think it is?' Anthony mocked.

'Even if it's true, I'm sure Harry has better things to do that act in a movie.'

'Not according to him apparently. He just called me himself.'

'Fine, I guess he can audition. We're not losing anything.' I agreed.

'Oh, he's not auditioning if you agree to play Amelia he's got the role.' one of the producers declared.

'What? That's not fair! Everyone auditions!' I stressed.

'Alright, we can do a reading if it makes you feel better.' the other said.

A few hours later, Harry came in.

'Thank you for considering me! I've always wanted to be in a romantic comedy!' He gushed while greeting everyone in the room.

'If it was up to us we'd give you the role on the spot but someone here insisted on you auditioning.' Anthony explained to Harry.

'Well, it's only fair.' Harry replied while looking at me intently.

'Alright, Cassie, Harry, you're reading the stargazing scene page 25.'

We nodded, opened the scripts, and started reading, standing up facing each other.

'When you go back to London in two days...' he started, then looking up at me he continued, 'You're leaving me behind, aren't you?'

I stared into his green eyes I grew fond of looking into, almost as teary as they were last time he said that, but just as painful for me to see, especially since I'm the cause of it.

'Why?' he said with his voice slightly cracking.

'You were absolutely magnificent today. You can actually fit in this crazy world of mine. We could be together if you just let us.' He looked back at the script before continuing, 'Amy please talk to me! I promise I'll be understanding. I know how tough it can get. I know you don't need any of this! But I know you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you. Please, Amy, give us a chance! I promise it'll be worth it.' He took my hand in his again, just like that time, 'I promise I'll make your life better. Please, Amelia, I want you in my life, I NEED you in my life. I'm not giving up on you! I'll follow you to London... I'll keep trying until I convince you I'm worth taking the risk.'

Listening to his voice saying his words again had my tears flowing again, but I gathered myself long enough to be able to read my next line.

'I'm really sorry! Honestly, I wasn't expecting to meet you, let alone fall in love with you. I've never felt anything like that in a while. I've been hurt in the past and I build up walls around me to keep that from happening. But you... you make wanna break them all down, and it scares me. '

We continued reading the lines until the end of the scene, with all the emotions from the last time we had that same conversation coming right back up. It's safe to say the producers and Anthony loved us for the role and didn't have any doubts about giving us the roles we perfectly portrayed.

'We'll start shooting at the end of next week. Thank you, guys!' Anthony said exiting the room with the producers leaving me alone with Harry.

I gathered my things, getting ready to leave, trying to avoid Harry.

'If we're gonna be working together, you're gonna have to talk to me.' He blurted.

'I'm still weirded out by your behaviour last time we talked. I agreed to do this for the benefit of the movie. Not because I wanted to hang out with you more.'

'Look I'm sorry, I was drunk and I was mad. I had no right to say what I said. I know I messed up. And I don't expect you to forgive me instantly. Just let me gain your trust again. You can't keep ignoring me, not while we're working together.'

'Fine, do whatever you need to do. I'll be nicer.' I conceded.

'Can I take you out for coffee or something?'

'Don't push your luck, Styles. See ya at the shooting. Bye!' I smirked and walked away.

Later that day, I went to my regular pub to meet up with Katie.

'Katie! You'll never believe who's starring in the movie adaptation for my book!'

'Jamie?' She burst.

'What? No! Harry and I'

'OMG! This is even more perfect! Oh, wait, no, is it? I don't know, could be awkward maybe? You seem excited though!'

'I don't know... I didn't entirely think it through. But I'm happy I have an excuse to talk to him and see him on a regular basis.'

'Would you stop your childish games! You don't need excuses to talk to him. I know, you have "principles" or whatever, but regardless of what he did once, you know he's a good person deep down and you both have feelings for each other! Just let it go and just go back to where you guys were when you first met. Wouldn't it be better for everyone?'

'Maybe, I just don't feel comfortable giving up to him that fast. I don't want to seem easy. Besides, after everything I've been through the last couple of month. I think it's best if I stay alone for a while. I've been alone for a long period of time before the whole Harry and Alex stuff happening, and now it's like I forgot what it's like to not have a guy to lean on and depend on. You saw how I just sunk into Harry back in July. If we ever get together again, I don't want that to happen, I need to be me even when we're us.'

'Yeah, I guess you're right. Oh btw, Sam and Laura are inviting us to dinner next Saturday, I'll pick you up at 7 and we go together?'

'Sure, no problem.'

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