3.4 - Home - Bowling

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In the busy city life, there are always activities we'd say we want to try, but we never get round to it. Wanting to break the routine, we decided to go bowling and Noah suggested that I bring Alex to even out the teams and to have another athletic guy in the group. Sure Tom would play the occasional Sunday morning football but he wasn't as invested as Noah or Alex were. We divided into 3 teams, Tom and Noah, Sam and Katie, and Alex and I.

'So how do you all know each other?' Alex asked.

After telling him how I met Katie I continued, 'Sam has been Katie's roommate and one of her best friends since university. Tom and I met through the blog, he was one of the most active readers, always commenting on all the articles, opening up discussions. One day I decided to hire him so that he could help me build up my blog and make it more diverse and cover as much series and topics as possible. Since then we all started hanging out with each other, and later on, Noah joined the group after becoming Tom's roommate. He's known for being the athletic one of the group. Since his childhood, Noah has won a lot of prizes in all kind of sports like football, tennis and golf, which he continues to practice till today. He currently works as a professional trainer in a gym and keeps nagging us to join his gym to which we always say no.'

After I finished explaining, Alex and Noah bonded comparing their achievements.

Even though half of us weren't any good at bowling, we were all having a lot of fun.

'So I went out with that guy yesterday,' Katie started telling us yet another story of her crazy dating adventures, 'we were walking around after dinner, and somehow, there was a lot of people walking their dog at the time, and every time he saw one he just had to go pet it and talk to it. He spent more time talking to random dogs than to me. '

'Seriously? I mean, I love dogs a lot, but come on! Did he look at you? How can someone ignore someone as hot as you!' Sam hissed.

'I know right!' Katie joked.

'So Sam, how's the new collection coming up?' I asked as she threw the ball dropping all the pins at once.

'Almost done! I found the venue for the fashion show, it's next Thursday! You're all invited obviously. Katie, did you book the photographer I told you about?'

They continued discussing details while my turn came up.

'I'm not good at it Alex! Can't you just do it instead? Noah and Tom are beating us! I'm dragging you down!' I pleaded, slightly embarrassed to fail in front of him.

'Hey don't worry I'll show you how to do it. Plus we're here to have fun! It doesn't matter who wins and who loses!' he consoled me.

Noah laughed and teased 'You're only saying that because you're losing Alex!'

Alex showed me how to throw the ball properly, adjusting my arm in the right direction. It was the first time we were at such proximity, it was a little weird, but it felt nice. 'I could get used to this' I thought. I threw the ball and to everyone's surprise, I actually got a strike! I hugged Alex excited about the hit I just made as he was, lifting me up slightly. As I slid down, our faces inches apart, tension rising, he made his move, I happily followed his lead. Pulling away, slightly embarrassed that our first kiss was in front of my friends who were cheering and mocking, we went back to our seats and continued discussing whatever topic the group came up with.

'I'm gonna go get a drink, Katie come with me?' I asked. I needed to talk to Katie but I didn't want Alex to be suspicious of anything.

'Sure, anyone needs anything?'

We went to the bar and placed our order.

'That was a hot kiss! But you don't seem too happy about it... only to me though, because I know you. I don't think he noticed how you were peeling the label off your empty bottle of water. He probably doesn't even know that's what you do when you're overthinking!'

'I saw Harry' I mumbled.

'What? Where? He's in London? I thought he's touring in Australia!'

'No you idiot! I meant when Alex when we kissed. When we pulled away from each other, I saw Harry'

'Instead of?'

'Instead of!'

'Wow! Why? You miss him?'

'I guess... This is the type of spontaneous things Harry would do. Alex is kinda predictable.... Everything is planned almost to the hour.'

'Yeah... but that's good! You need the stability right now!'

I laughed, 'Who are you trying to convince me or you?'

'Sorry I just want you to be happy, and if Alex can give you that, then I'm going to support it.'

'I don't know honestly. My head says that Alex is good for me and I should be with him and I like him, I do.'

'But your heart is still pining over Harry and hoping somehow you'll end up together again.'

'He said he'll talk to me again, that he'll come to London! Whenever I'm walking alone on the street, I can't help the thought of randomly running into Harry and feel the warmth of his embrace again, creep up in my mind. Why isn't he here!'

'He's on tour sweetie! He'll come to London eventually. But even if he does and you do see him and you talk and everything. Nothing has changed. He's still famous and surrounded by everything you hate! Did you change your mind about all that?'


'Then why are you torturing yourself? Why are you nurturing your feelings for him if you don't want to be with him?'

'I can't help it! He woke something up inside me. I felt things I never felt with any other guy! He's different, unexpected! Being with him is like being on a never-ending adventure.'

'Sounds nice but do you realise how exhausting a never-ending adventure would be?'

'Yeah... Loving Harry is like loving the stars themselves. You don't expect a sunset to admire you back! He might have had a thing for me back in L.A., but he's surely not sentimental enough or in love enough to come to find me.'

'What about all the beautiful things he said to you?'

'Just words he uses on all the girls he charms...'

'Does it make you feel better? Thinking that?'

'Putting the blame on him instead of admitting it's my fault we're not together? No... but I'm with Alex now. That's the only thing that matters now. Let's get back before he starts to worry.'

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