4.4 - Uphill - Camping

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After wrapping up the movie, we all needed to take a break. So Noah suggested that we all went camping for a whole weekend. Alex and I, Sam and Laura, Katie, Tom and Noah divided ourselves into two cars and drove to the perfect camping location a little outside London. We got there in a couple of hours. We spent the next two hours trying to set up everything, starting with the tent, which most of us failed miserably at, leaving Noah and Alex to do all the work seen as they've both done this before.

The night was falling fast, and soon enough the fire was lit and we all sat down around it, roasting smores and exchanging funny stories and singing along whatever Noah's playing on his guitar.

'Hey let's play truth or dare!' Katie suddenly suggested.

'We're not 12 anymore! I don't like this game! Choose something else!' Tom whined.

'Oh come on it's not that bad! Anyone has any objections to the game?' Katie asked and everyone except Tom shook their head. 'Majority rules! We're playing truth or Dare!'

'Tom starts since he clearly has something to hide! Truth or dare?' Noah exclaimed.

'Truth...' Tom chose.

'Have you ever had a crush on anyone present here?' Noah asked with a grin on his face.

Tom blush and answered shyly the question 'Actually I kinda had a thing for Katie but I didn't do anything about it because I thought she was out of my league or wasn't interested. And then one night I left her a message on her phone while I was drunk and I told her I like her. Anyway, we laughed it off and I moved on. Thanks for making this awkward Noah!'

'My pleasure! Who's next?'

'New girl Laura!' Katie exclaimed,

'Oh, definitely truth! Dares could get way messier.'

'Where is your spirit of adventure people! Fine, truth! What was your first impression of Sam?'

'Weird, funny and energetic! I liked her right from the start. She's really something special!'

'Aw!! Okay, next Noah please tell me you're choosing dare!'

'You know it!'

We played through the night. A lot of secrets were exposed, a lot of embarrassing moments happened, and there were even hot and heavy moments here and there. Hours later I got tired of sitting around so I asked Katie to come with me for a walk.

'So are you having fun? You seem a little absent-minded. What are you thinking about?'

'There's a lot of thoughts in my mind actually.'

'When isn't there a lot! Is it Harry?'

'Why would you say that?'

'You've been playing with the bracelet you got in L.A. all night. You only do that when you're thinking about Harry.'

'It's just that tonight reminded me of the night I was with Harry, looking at the stars. You know the night we first kiss. It was the best night ever. I kinda miss that. The peaceful serenity with no overthinking, doubt or guilt.'

'What are you doubting?'

'My relationship with Alex. He's great, but he hasn't been adjusting well to the changes. We've been fighting. He's becoming more possessive. It's annoying me. He has no reason to be scared of losing me. I want to be with him. But the more he acts like that, the more he's driving me away. I'm getting sick of the fights. '

'And it makes you wonder if you should probably be with someone who understands the business. Like Harry? Or I don't know maybe Tristan? You've been gushing about him all throughout the shooting.'

'No, Tristan and I are just friends. And well with Harry, it's too late. I just can't help but wonder what will his reaction be when he hears about the movie, whether he'll watch it or no, and if he does, will he like it, will he like me. But it doesn't matter, I'm not giving up on Alex at the slightest mistake. We can pull through it, I know.'

'Suit yourself. Alex is a great guy, as long as he makes you happy. But if he's not, it should end.'

'Yeah I'm good, I'm okay. Let's go back to the group.'

After all the games and the food and the fun, it was late and everyone went to sleep, but I couldn't so I stayed up watching the sun rising. Soon enough I was joined by Noah while everyone else was still in their slumber.

'Up early?' He asked.

'Never went to sleep.' I clarified. He sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. As we spent time with each other throughout the last year we grew a brother-sister type of relationship.

'What are you thinking about little sis? Anything I can help you with?'

'What do you honestly think of Alex?'

'He's a great guy. I'm good friends with him, he's fun. But I think you're trying so hard to fall in love with him and convince yourself that you love him, but deep down you know none of it is true. But you thought it's worth it because he's good for you. But now that things are starting to go bad you're starting to doubt everything. Am I wrong?'

'I don't know I guess not. But like you said, he's good for me. The problems can be fixed.'

'Are you sure about that? It's only going downhill from here if the movie takes off and the book gets published.'

'It's worth the try.'

'You seemed convinced, why are you still thinking about it?' he questioned.

'Maybe it's not fair for him?' I questioned myself.

'He loves you and wants to be with you, and so do you. What's unfair?'

'I don't know. I just can't shake that feeling. Something bad is about to happen...'

'Well bad things have to happen in order to good things can happen too. That's the balance in life. It might not be a one to one relation, but there has to be both.'

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