Chapter Seven: Back - Interview

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The book has been doing well, and my publishers arranged some interview on popular T.V. shows in the States. So I went back with Katie to the slightly warmer weather of L.A. in December. As promised, the first interview was with James Corden on the Late Late Show.

'Cassie! It's so nice to see you again! Congratulations! My wife and I loved your book!'

'Thank you, James! That means a lot!'

'So are you nervous about your first appearance on T.V. ?'

'Umm... yeah, a little bit... Honestly, cameras make me uncomfortable'

'Oh well just pretend they're not there. We're just having a conversation like right now. And then we'll be joined by the other guest of tonight's show.'

'Normal conversation! Got it! Thanks'

'No problem! See you in a bit!'

So I changed and went to hair and makeup and soon enough it was time to start shooting. I waited for my cue and after the introduction, I made my way to where James was with a smile and waving to the audience on the set. I positioned myself on the couch on the side nearest to James' chair as per instructed, leaving the rest of the place on the couch for the next guests.

'Hello, Cassie! Last time I saw you, we were at a Party in L.A. and I told you, you should be a writer and when you publish your first book, you'll come back here and I'll be your first interview. A few months later, you published this wonderful book and here you are! Congratulations! How did it feel to publish your first book ever?'

'Well, it was a very exciting experience. I'm so grateful for the publishing company I'm working with, they're very passionate about making sure the author's vision is the one that's being shown to the world and that was very helpful.'

'How did you choose the name?' He asked.

'Well, Polaris is commonly known as the North Star and it has always guided travellers and helped them find their way, and the two main characters in the book have that sort of relationship. They always find each other and help each other do the right thing and take the right path.'

'And after publishing it, and seeing how much attention it's getting, what do you like most about the response?'

'Well, When I started writing the book, sure I had the intention of publishing, but I was mostly focused on putting all my feelings in it, all my experiences and the lessons I've learned. Seeing how people are reacting positively to that, and seeing how much this book is capable of transferring my feelings to thousands of reader, It's very overwhelming. Most of my life, I wasn't the kind of person that, for example, cried during a movie, until I saw that one specific movie and I related so much to many of the characters that I cried at the sad scenes. It really touches me when I see that my book is doing that to people. Not that I enjoy making people cry, but from my personal experience, crying during a movie makes me happy at the end of it, because it helps me let out something I've been bottling up for so long, something maybe I couldn't exactly pinpoint, to be able to express it or relief it, and it helped. So helping people release all those suffocated feelings and make them feel better really makes me happy. It makes me feel like I've done something right.'

'Wow! That is so beautiful! And I gotta admit most of your characters are relatable, especially your leading lady Amelia. Are the characters in your book inspired by people you know? There has been some speculation about who Nathan is after the rumours and the pictures seen from your vacation here back in July...'

'Well, I always said, to be a good relatable writer, I have to write what I know. So naturally, and I think that's what gives the book an air of authenticity, the characters are inspired by people I know or knew, the main character is a version of me because it's easier to know how she would react to some events, I just think of what I would do in similar situations. Her friends are inspired by my friends, the same goes for her family. Some events in the book may or may not have happened in reality. But aside from that, it's a work of fiction.'

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